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  • 601% Increase: Russia Unleashes Unmatched Gold Buying Spree

    Thu Sep 05 2024

    • Russia increases gold purchases: From 1.12 billion rubles per day to 8.2 billion rubles per day.
    • Monthly increase of 601% : The new amount is significantly larger than the previous one.
    • Gold as a means of payment: Russia and China use gold to circumvent sanctions and continue trade.
    • Multi-step process: Gold is purchased in Russia, transported to Hong Kong, sold, and proceeds are deposited in local bank accounts.

    As Western sanctions continue to tighten around Russia, the country is turning to precious metals to circumvent financial restrictions and maintain trade relations with key partners. In a significant move, Russia has announced it will increase its daily gold purchases to 8.2 billion rubles, a staggering increase of 601% monthly from previous levels.

    The decision comes amid growing challenges in conducting traditional banking transactions with Western nations. In response, Russia and China have devised a novel approach, utilizing gold as a means of payment for goods and services. The process involves purchasing gold in Russia, transporting it to Hong Kong for sale, and depositing the proceeds into local bank accounts. This workaround allows both countries to continue trade while evading sanctions.

    However, this alternative method has not been without its hurdles. Russian entities have had to resort to hiring couriers to physically transport documents across borders and obtain necessary approvals from Chinese bankers. These logistical challenges underscore the lengths to which Russia and China are going to maintain economic ties in the face of international pressure.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Russia has significantly increased its daily gold purchases to circumvent Western sanctions.
    • Gold is being used as a means of payment between Russia and China to evade financial restrictions.
    • The process involves transporting gold to Hong Kong for sale and depositing the proceeds into local bank accounts.
    • Russian entities have faced logistical challenges in implementing this alternative trade mechanism.

    Analyst Perspective:

    Gold analyst Jon Forrest Little from The Silver Academy offers a unique perspective on the situation: "The return to gold-based transactions between Russia and China isn't so much a workaround as it is a reversion to a more fundamental and time-tested form of economic exchange." He argues that gold's intrinsic value and historical role as a universal medium of exchange make it a more reliable option than fiat currencies, especially in times of geopolitical uncertainty.

    As the geopolitical landscape continues to evolve, it is clear that Russia and China are determined to find ways to maintain their economic relationships. The increased reliance on gold suggests that precious metals may play a more prominent role in global trade in the years to come.


