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  • Jordan’s gold prices surge upon second pricing

    Thu July 11 2024

    Gold prices significantly rose in Jordan in a recent development, according to the latest pricing update by the General Syndicate of Owners of Trade and Jewelry Shops. The selling price per gram of 21-carat gold in local jewelry shops has surged to JD48.8, marking a notable increase from previous rates. Simultaneously, the buying price for this grade of gold has risen to JD46.9.

    For higher-purity gold, the selling price per gram of 24-carat gold has climbed to JD56.3, with the buying price standing at JD53.9. Similarly, the prices for 18-carat gold have also witnessed a rise, with the selling price reaching JD43.7 per gram and the buying price at JD40.2 dinars. 

    The selling price of the Rashadi pound remains stable at approximately JD347, while the English pound is priced at around JD396.


