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  • The role of bullion in the event of a financial crisis 

    Sun July 21 2024

    Economic downturns often drive investors to seek safe havens to preserve their wealth. Historically, bullions like gold and silver, as well as real estate, have been seen as reliable assets during financial crises. This article delves into how these assets perform during economic downturns, providing insights into their roles as financial safeguards. 

    Bullions: Gold and Silver 

    Gold has long been revered as a store of value and a hedge against economic instability. During financial crises, gold prices typically rise, reflecting its status as a safe-haven asset. This trend was evident during the 2008 financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, where gold prices surged as investors fled from volatile stock markets. 

    Factors contributing to gold’s resilience: 

    1. Intrinsic value: Gold’s intrinsic value, limited supply, and historical significance bolster its appeal during uncertain times. 

    2. Liquidity: Gold can be easily bought and sold, providing liquidity in times of crisis. 

    3. Currency hedge: Gold often acts as a hedge against currency devaluation and inflation, which are common during economic downturns. 

    Silver shares many attributes with gold, such as intrinsic value and liquidity, but its performance during crises can be more volatile. While silver tends to follow gold’s upward trajectory during economic turmoil, it is also influenced by industrial demand, given its extensive use in manufacturing and technology. 

    During the 2008 financial crisis, silver prices experienced a significant drop before rebounding alongside gold. This pattern was repeated during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting silver’s dual nature as both a precious and industrial metal. 

    Real Estate: Tangible and Steady 

    Real estate’s performance during financial crises varies based on location, property type, and economic conditions. Generally, real estate is considered a stable investment due to its tangible nature and utility. However, it is not immune to economic downturns. 

    1. Residential real estate: During financial crises, residential real estate often shows resilience due to the necessity of housing. However, property values can still decline if unemployment rises and mortgage defaults increase. 

    2. Commercial real estate: Commercial properties, including office buildings and retail spaces, can be more vulnerable during downturns. Reduced consumer spending and business closures can lead to increased vacancies and decreased property values. 

    Factors Influencing real estate stability 

    Several factors can influence the stability of real estate investments during economic crises: 

    1. Location: Properties in prime locations tend to retain value better than those in less desirable areas. 

    2. Interest rates: Lower interest rates, often implemented to stimulate the economy during downturns, can make real estate more attractive by reducing borrowing costs. 

    3. Government policies: Government interventions, such as mortgage relief programs and stimulus packages, can support the real estate market during crises. 

    Comparative analysis 

    Diversification Benefits - Investors often diversify their portfolios with bullion and real estate to mitigate risks during economic downturns. Gold and silver provide liquidity and act as hedges against currency devaluation and inflation, while real estate offers tangible assets that can generate rental income and appreciate over time. 

     Performance metrics -

    1. Volatility: Gold typically exhibits lower volatility compared to silver and real estate, making it a more stable haven. 

    2. Liquidity: Bullions are more liquid than real estate, allowing investors to quickly convert them into cash during emergencies. 

    3. Income generation: Real estate can generate rental income, providing a steady cash flow even during economic crises. 

    Bullions and real estate play crucial roles in preserving wealth during financial crises. Gold and silver offer liquidity and act as hedges against economic instability, while real estate provides tangible assets with income-generating potential. By understanding the performance characteristics of these assets, investors can better navigate economic downturns and safeguard their financial futures. Diversifying investments across bullions and real estate can enhance portfolio resilience, balancing stability, liquidity, and income generation during times of economic uncertainty. 

    The author is Executive Chairperson of Aspect Global Ventures Pvt. Ltd. and VP of India Bullion & Jewellers Association


