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  • Seabridge Gold’s KSM project faces new petition in Canada

    Tue Dec 03 2024


    Seabridge Gold faces a new petition seeking a judicial review of its KSM project’s ‘substantially started’ determination, following the one filed by the indigenous group Tsetsaut Skii km Lax Ha (TSKLH) on 22 November.

    The petition was filed with the British Columbia Supreme Court by SkeenaWild Conservation Trust and the Southeast Alaska Indigenous Transboundary Commission (SEITC). It echoes the arguments of the last petition and contends that the decision was unreasonable.

    The ‘substantially started’ decision was made by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy of British Columbia on 25 July 2024.

    The determination in question confirmed that the KSM Project, owned by Seabridge subsidiary KSM Mining (KSMCo), had commenced sufficiently to extend its environmental assessment certificate beyond the original expiry date of 29 July 2026.

    SEITC, despite its name, does not possess regulatory authority over the KSM Project or the ‘substantially started’ determination.

    The new petitioners, acting as public interest advocates, are requesting that the decision be quashed and revisited by the minister.


