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  • Govt sets ground rules for artisan, small scale miners

    Sat June 15 2024

    What you need to know:

    • An artisanal miner is one who doesn’t have the ability to afford high-end technologies to mine, while a small-scale miner is one who has access to a reasonable amount of capital from, say, Shs50m and above.

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    The government has moved to regulate the operations of more than one million Ugandans who directly or indirectly benefit from Artisanal and Small Scale Mining (ASM).

    An artisanal miner is one who doesn’t have the ability to afford high-end technologies to mine, while a small-scale miner is one who has access to a reasonable amount of capital from, say, Shs50m and above.

    “Most of the artisanal miners neglect the fact that they have access to mining without having the proper technologies and these have health effects in the near future,” Ms Phiona Nyamutoro, the junior Minerals Development minister, said during a consultative meeting on the regulations of the ASM sector in Uganda in Busia District.
