Page 17 - Bullion world volume 4 issue 6 june 2024
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Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 6 | June 2024

           baseline, we aim to reduce CO2 emissions by 9-11 kTon.   introduced personal coaching for sustainable start-up
           And our plans include growing the solar farm to produce   businesses. We remain committed to nurturing a diverse
           at least 5.4 MW.                                   talent pool in a promising but underinvested industry.

           Equally important has been our focus on water      Furthermore, we partner with Intsika Beneficiation
           conservation. Our initiatives to reduce water use   Projects to bolster our skills development efforts for
           and enhance recycling processes demonstrate a      people with disabilities through a learnership programme
           commitment to preserving vital resources in an industry   in Jewellery Design and Manufacturing. Launched in
           that consumes large quantities of water. These efforts   2020, the programme continues to make significant
           are crucial in South Africa, a country that has faced   inroads in this specialist space. We fully fund the
           severe water scarcity issues. We aim to reduce our   learnership; to date, 109 disabled learners have been
           water usage by 30% by 2027, freeing it up for local   trained and have progressed from NQF L2 to NQF
           households. Recycling is a key business practice that   L4, enabling the marginalised group to move to the
           shapes our approach, emphasising the importance of   mainstream. Consequently, in our pursuit of Sustainable
           every milligram in boosting sustainability. We have set a   Development Goal 4, our year-to-date investment has
           bold target to reduce waste by 50%, decreasing annual   surpassed R40 million for 2024.
           waste from 60 tonnes to 30 tonnes by enhancing the
           repurposing of recyclable materials.               Governance
                                                              As a refinery, we have a responsibility towards the gold
           Social                                             that is deposited and to maintain the integrity of the value
           Our approach to ESG also shares a robust focus on   chain. The global market derives comfort and confidence
           social elements, particularly our corporate wellness   in knowing that Rand Refinery has all the processes
           programme, which goes beyond the physical,         and due diligence capabilities trusted by mines, central
           encompassing the financial, mental, social, occupational,  banks, bullion centres, and other end users. No ounce
           intellectual, environmental, and spiritual aspects of our   of gold we bring in is worth the reputational risk that can
           lives. As we navigate the demands of our professional   arise from one misjudged source.
           responsibilities, it is crucial to prioritise our well-being
           and that of our colleagues. Such a holistic approach   Our participation in the London Bullion Market
           boosts morale and attracts and retains talent, enhancing   Association's (LBMA) Gold Bar Integrity programme
           productivity and innovation.                       and World Gold Council mine traceability is a significant
                                                              step. These programmes aim to digitally monitor gold
           Between 2021 and 2023, we invested over R7.8 million   moving through the global supply chain by confirming
           in school’s educational enhancements as one of our core   provenance and providing transparency over the chain of
           pillars in sustainable developmental goals. The donations   custody.
           are part of a series of planned contributions focusing on
           academic support and community development projects.  The LBMA and World Gold Council have also introduced
                                                              the Gold Industry Sustainability Principles, mandating
           We are deeply committed to the community in which   refiners to show ongoing progress. Rand Refinery is
           we operate. The Gold Zone, located on our premises,   currently set to achieve 80% of the requirements outlined
           functions as a dynamic hub for training the youth in   in these established industry principles.
           jewellery design, manufacturing, and skills development.
           Known as the Jewellery Village, this area is home to   The international success of our RandPure gold bars,
           several businesses engaged in jewellery manufacturing,   especially in a demanding market like India, highlights
           providing employment and fostering the development of   the competitive advantage of integrating ESG principles
           local beneficiation capacity.                      into core business strategies. RandPure gold is 100%
                                                              ethically sourced and has completely traceable origins.
           Our Silver and Gold Mentorship Programmes,         Our 100-year history provides invaluable data sets on
           established in partnership with the Ekurhuleni Jewellery   each mining company and its mined doré fingerprint,
           Project (EJP), NQ Jewellers, and the South African   further enhancing traceability.
           Diamond and Precious Metals Regulator, have seen
           remarkable successes since inception in 2021. Since   In an era when sustainability is no longer a buzzword but
           2022, the programmes have celebrated the graduation   a business imperative, our ESG programme shines as
           of 42 Small, Medium, and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs).   brightly as the gold we refine.
           This year, we have enhanced the SMME curriculum and

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