Page 16 - Bullion world volume 4 issue 6 june 2024
P. 16

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 6 | June 2024

           Gold Standard Sustainability:

           ESG Initiatives That Shine

           Mr Praveen Baijnath, Chief Executive, Rand Refinery

           Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)
           considerations have evolved beyond the business-as-
           usual to shape the operational ethos at Rand Refinery,
           one of the world's leading gold and silver refiners and
           an operator of one of Africa's largest low-grade gold
           recovery smelters. The integration of ESG principles has
           been vital to our success for over a century, shaping our
           commitment to nurturing people, protecting the planet,
           and refining globally acceptable products.

           Today, Rand Refinery transcends its storied past,
           standing at the forefront not only to derive value from
           resources but also to actively drive the dialogue on
           sustainable and responsible mining practices for the
           future. Our partners share our deep commitment to
           ESG, ensuring that our collaborative efforts align with
           sustainable and ethical practices across the board.
           They are deeply committed to the UN Sustainable
           Development Goals, emphasising substantial local
           spending, employment creation, and renewable energy
           projects, such as solar and hydroelectric power, with
           initiatives ranging from the conservation of World
           Heritage Sites in the DRC to supporting education and           Mr Praveen Baijnath
           healthcare in Mali, and from providing water supply
           to Tanzanian villages to fostering small enterprises in
           Ghana.                                             leading similar efforts, the cumulative impact will be
           These activities not only reinforce our commitment to
           responsible sourcing but also ensure that every Rand   According to Bird & Bird, the mining industry accounts
           Refinery product contributes to the essential social   for 6.2% of the world's energy consumption, with 32%
           upliftment needed across the continent. Through these   consumed as electricity. As mineral demand rises and
           concerted ESG efforts, we reinforce our belief that   energy consumption per ounce of extracted mineral
           responsible mining can serve as a cornerstone for   increases due to declining deposit quality, the mining
           sustainable development and a brighter, more hopeful   industry's overall energy usage is growing.
           future for Africa.
                                                              This scenario highlights the critical need for the mining
           Environment                                        sector to transition towards more sustainable energy
           One of the most significant steps Rand Refinery has   sources, a shift that is already happening. These
           taken is its shift towards solar energy. This move is both   initiatives are vital as they directly reduce Scope
           pragmatic and emblematic, representing a broader shift   3 emissions, marking significant strides towards
           in the mining and refining industry towards renewable   environmental sustainability in the industry.
           energy. We mitigate our impact on the environment
           through solar power, reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions.   We aim to exclusively use renewable energy sources for
           With mining houses, including our shareholders Gold   our refining operations by 2027, except for the smelter,
           Fields, Harmony Gold, DRD Gold, and Sibanye Stillwater,   which will remain grid-operated. Based on the FY2020

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