Page 19 - Bullion world volume 4 issue 6 june 2024
P. 19

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 6 | June 2024

           GIFT-IFSC as a jurisdiction operates independently   The Hon'ble Prime Minister launched India
           of domestic regulatory frameworks which may be     International Bullion Exchange (IIBX), on July 29,
           applicable onshore and falls outside the scope of the   2022, at Gift City ‘s International Financial Services
           Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) guidelines   Centre (IFSC).
           set by the Reserve Bank of India. It is authorized to   During the launch the Hon’ble Prime Minister mentioned
           conduct transactions involving 11 'Specified Foreign   that:
           Currencies' as outlined in the International Financial   “India is a very big market in the field of gold and silver
           Services Centres Authority (Banking) Regulations, 2020,   today. But, should that be the only identity of India? The
           subject to amendment from time to time.            identity of India should also be that of a market maker.
                                                              IIBX is an important step in this direction.  IIBX will also
           IFSCA's mandate aims to cultivate robust global    provide opportunities to trade in gold directly through
           connections while catering to the specific requirements   the exchange. As the gold trading market becomes
           of the Indian economy. Positioned as an international   organized, the demand for gold in India will also impact
           financial platform serving both regional and global   and determine the gold prices.
           economies, IFSCA prioritizes the facilitation of cross-
           border financial activities while upholding stringent   The objectives of IIBX are multifaceted, aiming to
           regulatory standards.                              enhance liquidity, transparency, and price discovery in
                                                              bullion trading through various mechanisms.
           In summary, IFSCA's overarching objective is to promote
           the seamless functioning of GIFT-IFSC operations,   Firstly, it serves as a centralized platform for market
           foster international competitiveness, and facilitate India's   participants, facilitating efficient matching of buy and sell
           integration into the global financial landscape.   orders through price-time priority, thereby enhancing
                                                              market efficiency and liquidity.
           IFSCA's Focus on Building a Strong Bullion Market
           Ecosystem at GIFT-IFSC                             Secondly, it provides standardized contracts with
           1. Development of a transparent international      defined sizes, quality specifications, and delivery terms,
           bullion exchange ecosystem at GIFT-IFSC            reducing transaction costs and ensuring uniformity in
           IFSCA spearheaded the establishment of the state-  trading terms for all participants. Additionally, through
           of-the-art infrastructure of the India International   continuous trading activities in both spot and derivatives,
           Bullion Exchange (IIBX) promoted by 5 major Market   IIBX contributes to price discovery, enabling informed
           Infrastructure Institutions (MIIs) i.e., National Stock   decision-making for market participants.
           Exchange (NSE), India International Exchange (INX- a
           subsidiary of BSE), Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX),   Furthermore, robust market surveillance mechanisms are
           National Securities Depository Ltd (NSDL), Central   in place to detect irregularities and market manipulations,
           Depository Services Ltd (CDSL) have come together   maintaining market integrity and investor confidence.
           to create a single bullion exchange platform for bullion   Under the regulatory oversight of IFSCA, IIBX operates
           trading and clearing at International Financial Services   transparently, ensuring fair and orderly trading and
           Centre (IFSC) at GIFT City. The IIBX was accorded   enhancing market credibility.
           recognition as a Bullion Exchange and Bullion Clearing
           Corporation on December 10, 2021.

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