Page 21 - Bullion world volume 4 issue 6 june 2024
P. 21

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 6 | June 2024

           c.  Forging Bullion Trade Alliances: IBU-Bank      services ecosystem. Anchored by the robust regulatory
              Collaborations Across GIFT-IFSC and ASEAN:      oversight of IFSCA, GIFT-IFSC serves as a pivotal hub
              Establishing connections between IBUs operating   for facilitating cross-border financial activities, offering a
              within GIFT-IFSC and banks in ASEAN nations like   conducive environment for innovation and growth.
              Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam,
              or others could facilitate the trading or hedging of   The establishment of the India International Bullion
              gold and silver price risks, utilising either the IIBX or   Exchange (IIBX) within GIFT-IFSC marks a significant
              OTC methods.                                    milestone, ushering in a new era of transparency,
                                                              liquidity, and price discovery in bullion trading. With
              With Indian Banks now enabled to participate,   IFSCA's focus on cultivating a strong bullion market
              thanks to their robust balance sheets, it is    ecosystem, GIFT-IFSC is poised to emerge as a global
              conceivable that banking institutions, trading   leader in the bullion trading landscape.
              entities, and fund houses from ASEAN nations may
              seek alternative channels for bullion trading settled   Furthermore, the strategic alliances between GIFT-
              in US Dollars.                                  IFSC and ASEAN nations offer immense potential for
                                                              collaboration and mutual growth. Leveraging GIFT-
              Additionally, banks based in ASEAN jurisdictions   IFSC's strategic geographical advantage and regulatory
              might have the opportunity to engage with IIBX for   framework, entities from ASEAN nations can explore
              transparent trading or importing of gold and silver   diverse opportunities in bullion trading and hedging,
              into their countries, departing from the traditional   thereby enhancing market liquidity and efficiency.
              bilateral trading model.
                                                              As GIFT-IFSC continues to evolve as a dynamic
           Conclusion:                                        international financial hub, the synergies between India,
           The journey of India's economic ascendancy showcases   ASEAN, and global stakeholders are poised to unlock
           its resilience and potential, setting the stage for it to   new avenues of growth and prosperity. With a shared
           emerge as a global economic powerhouse. Amidst     vision of fostering economic integration and innovation,
           this trajectory, GIFT-IFSC stands as a testament to   the future holds boundless possibilities for collaboration
           India's commitment to fostering a vibrant financial   and partnership in the financial services domain.

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