Page 26 - Bullion world volume 4 issue 6 june 2024
P. 26

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 6 | June 2024

           So what are the implications for the PGM?          BYD is expected to be exporting a lower-cost high range
           The auto sector typically accounts for 45% of platinum   vehicle into Europe within the next year or so.
           demand and over 80% each for palladium and rhodium.    This PHEV momentum offers some interim relief to
           As we make the transition from gasoline and diesel to   palladium and rhodium as these vehicles still need the
           alternative energy sources, palladium and rhodium, as   exhaust after-treatment.
           things stand, will suffer a lot more than platinum.  This
           is not only because of the auto sector’s predominance   There are already signs that the net zero deadlines may
           in the demand profile for the former metals, but also   be modified.  The EU, for example, is scheduled to ban
           because platinum will be a key player in the hydrogen   the production of ICE vehicles as of 2035 and hefty
           economy, both as the feedstock for the electrodes in fuel   penalties are reported to be in line for companies that
           cells but also as an essential element in PEM electrolysis   fail to meet those targets.  There is a review scheduled
           to produce green hydrogen from water.  Palladium and   for 2026, however, and some kind of roll back may prove
           rhodium do not currently have a role in either of these   inevitable.
           end-uses, although there is considerable research
           underway to remedy this position.                  A formal projection for a demand balance in this sector
                                                              is therefore fraught with pitfalls (and even more so if
           Consumer resistance is changing the picture        Mr Trump regains the White House as the Inflation
           All is not as grim as it might appear, however.  A   Reduction Act may come under the knife).  The worst
           combination of consumer resistance, pricing and    case scenario is that by 2040, platinum demand in the
           limping infrastructure (charging station distribution)   auto sector on its own may have fallen by  62% on a
           are threatening the pace of the transition with a   key   gross basis and be non-existent once scrap return  is
           concern the driving range of battery powered vehicles   included.  If PHEV maintains its current 30-odd percent
           (BEV).  The average driving range of an electric car is   market share of electrified vehicles, then the usage
           currently estimated at 300 miles on a single charge,   would be roughly the sane as currently; and if the
           although Toyota has said that between 2027 and 2028   aggressive fuel cell profile is added in then demand
           the company will be using a pack offering over 600 miles’  could be up by over 30%.
           range, and at a lower cost than currently.
                                                              Palladium and rhodium, with declining PHEV, would
           Even so, there is growing consumer resistance to   fall by more than 90% after scrap return, while if PHEV
           BEVs and the rapid growth in BEV market share of the   maintained market share, they would still fall by over 50%
           past couple of years is stalling.  Plug-in Hybrid Electric   and over 75% respectively.
           Vehicles (PHEV) are the main beneficiaries, as they
           remove some of the “range anxiety” as well as being   A dim outlook, therefore.  No surprise that much
           more competitively priced.  That said, China auto giant   research is underway.

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