Page 25 - Bullion world volume 4 issue 6 june 2024
P. 25

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 6 | June 2024

                  The Automotive Sector – PGM Under

                  Pressure – but so are the Politicians

                                                 Ms Rhona O’Connell
                            Head of Market Analysis - EMEA & Asia, StoneX Financial Ltd

           The platinum, palladium and rhodium markets are to
           varying degrees dependent on the automotive sector
           for their demand as they are the only materials that
           can clean up the exhaust gases from gasoline-fuelled
           vehicles and (platinum) diesel particulate emissions.
           At the simplest level, platinum is most effective for
           oxidising carbon monoxide to CO2, palladium for
           oxidising unburned hydrocarbons (also producing CO2)
           and rhodium for reducing nitrogen oxide and dioxide to
           nitrogen.  An anecdote: in the early 1980s this writer
           was working for a major mining company and during
           a feasibility study for what is now a large-scale PGM
           mine the Chief Engineer of Engelhard (now BASF), then
           the world’s second largest precious metals refiner and
           fabricator behind Johnson Matthey, said “for every man
           designing PGM onto emission control catalyst, there are
           ten men trying to design them off again”.

           Fast forward by 40 years and it still hasn’t happened!
           The push towards net zero carbon emissions means
           a ban on the internal combustion engine in favour of
           electric and, for the interim at least, hybrid vehicles
           including both battery technology and an internal               Ms Rhona O’Connell
           combustion engine, while fuel cells are becoming an
           increasingly attractive alternative.
                                                              by about 45% from 2010 levels by 2030, reaching net
           There is a broad scientific consensus that “in order to   zero around 2050” (University of Oxford).  The latest
           prevent the worst climate damages, global net human-  schedule from the International Energy Agency is as
           caused emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) need to fall   follows: -

              Source: International Energy Agency, September 2023

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