Page 29 - Bullion world volume 4 issue 6 june 2024
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Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 6 | June 2024

              ornaments of more than 14 carat purity.         Over the years, Nominated Banks and Agencies had
           •   In September 1968, the Gold (Control) Act 1968   adapted and gained experience to various changes/
              came into existence.                            modification in the rules and regulations to get
           •   The Special Import License Scheme was introduced   synchronized along-with the changes in the international
              which ultimately came into licensing for Nominating   environment.
              Banks and Agencies to import gold/Silver
                                                              Significance of Nominated Bullion Banks:
           The industry is regulated by the Government of India   India is making every attempt to rise higher by
           through:                                           achieving higher economic growth in every sector.
                                                              Nominated Banks play a major and important role in
           •   Ministry of Finance and                        the development of India’s Gold Industry. The banking
           •   Ministry of Commerce.                          expertise gained over two decades aid in developing a
                                                              bullion banking ecosystem.
           Ministry of Finance has empowered Reserve Bank of
           India (RBI), as the apex body to Nominate banks for   At present, Government of India has regulated the import
           Bullion imports and also the International Financial   of gold as below:
           Services Centres Authority (IFSCA) to regulate trades/  Dore Gold imports with Actual User (AU) condition
           imports through IIBX Ltd.                          where in the refiners are provided license by Directorate
                                                              General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) to import Dore gold for
           Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), under   refining.
           Ministry of Commerce monitors the imports by       Refined Gold can be imported through:
           Nominated agencies. The operations of the bullion
           imports are under the guidelines of Customs authorities   •   Nominated Agencies – MSTC Ltd, HHEC, Others
           under the Ministry of Finance.                     •   Nominated Banks – 14 Banks for FY 24-25 (3 Banks
                                                                 can import only gold)
           In the case of Nominated Banks, RBI plays a significant   •   Export oriented units (EOUs) / units in Special
           role, besides the management of gold reserves, in terms   Economic Zones (SEZs)
           of monitoring and governance of imports and bullion   •   India International Bullion Exchange (IFSC) Ltd
           products.                                          •   Against Advance authorisation from DGFT for export
           Advent of the Nominated Banks in 1998:
           In 1998, Government of India permitted nominated   Nominated Banks have committed themselves to
           agencies viz. MMTC, HHEC, STC, etc., and also banks   the Gold/Silver industry giving the regulators ease
           authorized by Reserve Bank to import and sell Gold and   of monitoring and regulating the industry as per
           Silver. The Nominated Agencies and Banks were allowed   government policies. The global trade of gold and Silver
           to import gold under different arrangements with their   are mostly through International Bullion Banks who
           foreign suppliers, presently done as below:        remain the major suppliers to India. The supply to India
                                                              by the International Bullion Banks to Nominated Banks/
           •   Import of gold on loan basis                   Agencies are based on certain arrangements which is
           •   Import of gold on consignment basis            set through their credit appraisal.
           •   Import of gold on unfix basis.
                                                              Recent Developments:
           With the mix of the above arrangements in importing   Global trade is presently fraught with increasing
           gold, the banks were able to serve all segments of   complexities in the modern world. Every country across
           the gem and jewellery industry according to their   the globe is leaning towards protecting their economy.
           requirements. All the contributors to gem and jewellery   India is motoring ahead with the vision of being a
           sector such as Traders, Jewellers, Large scale Jewellery   developed nation by 2047. This aspiration is resulting
           Manufacturers, Merchant exporters, manufacturer cum   in forging of numerous trades, bilateral and multilateral
           exporter, and the small artisans across the country were   relationships with different countries and world
           covered by Nominated Banks and Agencies.           organizations.

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