Page 30 - Bullion world volume 4 issue 6 june 2024
P. 30

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 6 | June 2024

           On 1st May 2022, Government of India and UAE signed
           “Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement”          Way Forward:
           (CEPA). Under this agreement the import duty of gold    In today’s age of growing conflicts and
           and silver originating from UAE will be given Import Duty   distrust, every country is racing in its way
           Concession.                                             towards the, “Weaponization of Gold”.
                                                                   Governments and Central Banks are
           Likewise, Government of India had further signed Trade   scampering to protect their interests through
           agreements with Australia “India-Australia Economic     a build-up of gold reserves and financial
           Cooperation and Trade Agreement (INDAUS ECTA)”          inclusion of gold in the overall economy and
           and with the governments of EFTA states (Government     global trade. The Bullion banks will ensure
           of Iceland, Principality of Liechtenstein, Kingdom of   that all measures and developments are in
           Norway, and Swiss confederation) “Trade and Economic    the interest of the country, its participants
           Partnership Agreement” where country specific duty      and overall within the crafted Domestic and
           concession was agreed. India-Australia Economic         International guidelines and regulations
           Cooperation and Trade Agreement (INDAUS ECTA)           like OECD rules, AML, FATF, Responsible
           was signed without any changes to the gold and silver   sourcing, etc. Bullion banks, through the
           industry.                                               directions of the regulators, will feature
                                                                   in developing these frontiers with their
           Some of the other Schemes and developments in the       professional experience, pool of knowledge
           industry include:                                       and global connect.

           •   Gold Monetisation Scheme.                           Bullion banks play a vital role in the
           •   GMS-linked Gold Metal Loan (GML) scheme.            bullion eco-system in terms of imports
           •   Mandatory Hallmarking and Assaying.                 and regulations. They are the guardians
           •   Sovereign Gold Bond scheme.                         in carrying forward the policies of the
                                                                   regulators & have a good grip of the bullion
                                                                   supply chain from the originating supplies
                                                                   to the end consumer. Banks act as the
                                                                   intermediator in the supply chain and have
                                                                   been bestowed with the responsibility
                                                                   of carrying forward the essence of the
                                                                   government policies in letter and spirit.

               Disclaimer:                                         Our country is well poised to play an
               This note is prepared to the best of our            important role in the global bullion market
               knowledge. The views in the article are             with its robust regulatory environment
               personal and does not reflect / represent the       encouraging the complete bullion
               view of the Karur Vysya Bank. Readers are           ecosystem. It is not just going to be the flow
               advised to go through the relevant notifications    of bullion into India, but also influencing
               on the subject for further clarifications. Author   global bullion markets.
               of this note and the Karur Vysya Bank Ltd
               assumes no responsibility or liability for any
               errors or omissions in the content and will         By
                                                                   Mr. Mahendran. K,
               not be responsible for any damage or loss
               or penalty levied in case of non-compliance         Country Head,
                                                                   Precious Metals Division,
               of stipulated rules and regulations by the
               importers, exporters and any person/firm/           The Karur Vysya Bank Ltd.
               company attached to it.

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