Page 28 - Bullion world volume 4 issue 6 june 2024
P. 28

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 6 | June 2024

               Evolution of Reforms in Indian Bullion

               Industry and Role of Nominated banks

                     Mahendran K, Country Head- Precious Metals Division, Karur Vysya Bank

                                                              India currently being the second major consumer of
                                                              gold in the world, has always had a yearning for the
                                                              yellow metal. It is much cherished fact that Gold has
                                                              an unstinted attachment with the people of our country
                                                              cutting across people, age and beliefs. In time, this
                                                              precious metal has catapulted itself into the chambers of
                                                              policies and governance. India has seen the formulation
                                                              of numerous committees and groups at various levels to
                                                              study the practical involvement of gold in the financial

                                                              History and Evolution:
                                                              Over the years, we have seen the gradual transition
                                                              in the regulatory framework to moderate the bullion
                                                              ecosystem– being price sensitive and impactful. These
                                                              transitions can be traced when Bullion imports and
                                                              exports were banned under the Foreign Exchange
                                                              Regulation Act and gold production was controlled
                                                              by the Mysore Government in November 1956. The
                                                              proportional reserve system was replaced by the
                                                              minimum reserve system, for purposes of note issue.
                          Mr Mahendran K                      A glimpse of few other transitions the industry had
                                                              undergone are given hereunder:

                                                              •  Issue of 15-year Gold Bonds at 6.5 per cent was
                                                                 made in November 1962.
                                                              •  Commercial banks were advised to consider
                                                                 recalling loans made against the security of gold
                                                                 and asking public to refrain from buying gold and to

           The phenomenal growth that India is witnessing today   surrender their holdings to the government.
           can be traced to the progressive reforms our country has   •  Forward trading in gold was banned in November
           made since Independence. In a country like ours, with   1962.
           its growing population & diverse characteristics, Sound   •  In January 1963, The Gold Control Rules prohibited
           reforms form the basis for sustainable growth and much   manufacturing of gold ornaments of more than 14
           needed to shape the growth trajectory in a controlled   carat purity.
           and requisite manner.                              •  In March, 1965 a new series of 7 per cent Gold
                                                                 Bonds 1980 was issued.
           The role GOLD plays in the world economy, bolsters its   •  In October 1965, third series of gold bonds -
           title as a “Safe Haven” in times of trouble. Due to such   National Defence Gold Bonds, 1980 at 6.5 per cent
           significance, absence of policies revolving around gold,   was issued.
           has its effect on the country’s economy.           •  In 1966, the rules were amended to manufacture

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