Page 20 - Bullion world volume 4 issue 6 june 2024
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Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 6 | June 2024

           Finally, by granting access to a diverse range of   its substantial mining output, exemplified by Grasberg's
           participants, including traders, jewellers, brokers,   production of approximately 55.90 tonnes of gold in the
           banks, and financial institutions, IIBX fosters healthy   calendar year 2021-22 alone.
           competition, liquidity, and efficient price discovery.   The following are the probable ways of maximizing
           Overall, IIBX plays a pivotal role in advancing liquidity,   the available opportunities in GIFT-IFSC through
           transparency, and price discovery in bullion trading   collaborations with the ASEAN region:
           through its centralized marketplace, standardized   a.  Strategic Geographical Advantage: Leveraging
           contracts, regulatory oversight, and inclusive market   GIFT-IFSC for Bullion Trade Between Europe,
           access.                                               ASEAN, and India
                                                                 Strategically, the GIFT-IFSC is geographically located
           2. Participation of Indian banks in the development   in between the Europe and the South East Asian
           of the Precious Metals ecosystem at GIFT-IFSC – a     region thereby enabling the movement and storage
           transformative enabler by the Reserve Bank of         of bullion from London/Zurich into GIFT or supply of
           India                                                 bullion from the ASEAN region into GIFT. The Indian
                                                                 markets being a major consumption center ensures
           On February 9, 2024, the Reserve Bank of India        the quicker and easier sales of the gold and silver
           authorized Indian banks to participate in IIBX through   through the IIBX, which may be subject to the good
           two distinct avenues: Indian Banks' Units (IBUs)      delivery norms and guidelines of the exchange.
           could participate as Trading Clearing Members of the   Such entities may participate on the exchange
           exchange, while those Indian banks nominated by       as a ‘Qualified Supplier’ subject to the guidelines
           the RBI for importing gold and silver were permitted   prescribed under the IFSCA Circular dated August
           to participate as Special Category Clients (SCC).     18, 2022  and December 11, 2023 . Additionally,
           This transformative enabler by the RBI is expected to   considering the presence of leading international
           encourage substantial institutional participation on the   players in precious metals logistics such as Brinks
           exchange.                                             Global Services, Malca-Amit, and Sequel Logistics,
                                                                 it would be prudent to explore the possibility of
           It is anticipated that major foreign banks, nominated   handling storage and custody services at GIFT-
           banks, and other entities will gradually adopt the    IFSC, offering proximity advantages over more
           transparent and reputable exchange framework provided   distant locations for the ASEAN region. Furthermore,
           by IIBX, surpassing conventional bilateral models of   considering that GIFT-IFSC is considered as a Free
           bullion trading.                                      Trade Zone, there are no duties or taxes leviable on
                                                                 the gold and silver stored in GIFT-IFSC.
           It may be also noted that resident entities exposed
           to gold prices have been granted permission by the   b.  Developing Market Liquidity: Opportunities for
           Reserve Bank of India on April 15, 2024, to hedge their   ASEAN Entities in GIFT-IFSC Bullion Trade
           gold price risk both on exchanges (IIBX and India INX), in   Although the resident entities from India are now
           IFSC and over the counter with any IFSC Unit, including   permitted to mitigate their gold price risks through
           International Banking Units (IBUs) of Indian or foreign   exchanges or over-the-counter (OTC) platforms in
           banks.                                                GIFT-IFSC, there is an opportunity for participation
                                                                 of market makers who may be active in the precious
           GIFT-IFSC hosts 16 Indian bank branches and 11        metals space to make prices in GIFT-IFSC. Some
           foreign banks, with some IBUs potentially evaluating   potential market makers may be assessing the
           to commence operations in precious metals over-the-   trading volumes of exchange-traded or OTC
           counter hedging / trading, as well as hedging / trading on   products, while others might consider exploiting the
           exchanges in IFSC.                                    lack of liquidity by becoming the initial participants
                                                                 in either the exchanges at GIFT-IFSC or the OTC
           Establishing connects with ASEAN and GIFT-IFSC        market. Entities based in ASEAN region can engage
           in the Bullion Sector: Strategies and Approaches      in importing, exporting or even re-exporting to and
           The linkages between India and ASEAN is poised to     from the GIFT IFSC zone, which is a Free Zone, thus
           assume a significant geostrategic role in the context of   facilitating the seamless movement of metals into
           GIFT-IFSC. For instance, Singapore serves as a pivotal   and out of GIFT-IFSC.
           trading hub for over-the-counter (OTC) transactions in
           precious metals, while Thailand boasts importance as a
           center for scrap/recycled gold. Indonesia stands out for

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