Page 15 - Bullion world volume 4 issue 6 june 2024
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Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 6 | June 2024

           Quarterly gold demand by sector and 10-year quarterly average

           Source: Metals Focus, World Gold Council
           *Data as of 31 March 2024

           Building Greater Trust and Transparency            the unique needs of each market, facilitating better
           The World Gold Council is committed to fostering   access and investment opportunities for consumers.
           trust and transparency in the gold market through the
           implementation of its Retail Gold Investment Principles   Establishing Southeast Asia as a Leading Global
           (RGIPs). In Singapore, these principles provide gold   Hub for Gold
           suppliers with a detailed set of best practices, aimed at   Our efforts are also focused on establishing Southeast
           ensuring ethical and professional conduct in the gold   Asia, particularly Singapore, as a leading global hub
           industry. The potential expansion of RGIPs to other   for gold trading. We are working closely with Singapore
           regional markets is expected to further solidify trust in   stakeholders to grow local market infrastructure and
           the regional gold market.                          capabilities. Enhancing Singapore’s role as a global gold
                                                              trading center not only benefits the local economy but
           Another key component of our strategy is the Gold247   also strengthens the region’s position in the global gold
           initiative, which focuses on the digitalisation and   market.
           traceability of gold. Gold247 envisions a transformed
           global gold market that meets the demands of modern   As economies in the ASEAN region continue to navigate
           consumers and investors. This initiative is built on   financial uncertainty, gold remains a valuable asset for
           three pillars: integrity, accessibility, and fungibility, all   diversification and protection. The World Gold Council’s
           underpinned by the digital transformation of gold market   strategic initiatives aim to build trust, reduce barriers,
           infrastructure. By enhancing trust in gold through digital   and establish a thriving gold market in Southeast Asia,
           means, we aim to unlock substantial demand and ensure   ensuring that gold remains a reliable and attractive
           the gold market remains robust and reliable.       investment for consumers and institutions alike.

           Reducing Barriers to Access                        In the face of a multitude of macro and geopolitical
           To make gold more accessible, the World Gold Council   challenges, the World Gold Council's initiatives are
           is working with Vietnam to evolve its gold market towards   crucial in ensuring that gold remains a trusted and
           more accessibility, making it easier for consumers to   accessible investment for all. With the abovementioned
           invest in gold. We are also increasing awareness of gold   strategies, the World Gold Council is committed to
           through targeted outreach to institutional investors. Our   enhancing the gold market's resilience and appeal,
           recent consumer insights surveys conducted in Vietnam   fostering a stable and prosperous future for gold
           and Thailand, with similar plans for Indonesia this year,   investment in the ASEAN region.
           have been pivotal in helping us understand and address

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