Page 10 - Bullion world volume 4 issue 6 june 2024
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Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 6 | June 2024

                                 “Who Cares Wins”,

                          ESG Twenty Years After

                                      Mr Simone Knobloch, COO, Valcambi sa

                                                              societies will exist only if all the different stakeholders
                                                              contribute towards a better world. While the UN Global
                                                              Compact laid out the various principles, it is up to each
                                                              organisation to translate these into real actions. Now,
                                                              at this twenty-year anniversary, it is the right moment to
                                                              look back and see how Valcambi has implemented the
                                                              principles. The key words for us have been to listen, and
                                                              especially, to “care”.

                                                              We took care of the need to make available to the
                                                              market, starting from the financial sector, a product that
                                                              was traceable and sustainable. It took time to convert
                                                              the principles into processes and to set up the necessary
                                                              technologies. However, in 2008 we released the
                                                              “Valcambi Green Gold” ® – fine gold that was traceable
                                                              to its origin and sourced from mines adopting the highest
                                                              standards available at that time, in terms of working
                                                              conditions and environmental management. Traceability
                                                              and precious metals origin has always been one of the
                                                              cornerstones of Valcambi’s business principles. Over
                                                              the years, we have introduced new technologies and
                                                              tools to provide answers to those clients who want to
                                                              know where the gold comes from and how it has been
                       Mr Simone Knobloch                     processed.

                                                              We especially address the Social and Environmental
                                                              aspects with direct sourcing from artisanal and small-
                                                              scale mines (ASM). Direct ASM sourcing contributes to
                                                              the miners and the cooperatives, and it also has a strong
                                                              impact on the communities surrounding the mines.
                                                              Our direct relationship with miners allows stronger
                                                              collaboration and enables us to support decent working
           In 2004, the UN Global Compact released the report   conditions and environmental protection.
           “Who Cares Wins”, which probably for the first time, set
           the foundations for international organisations to address   Nowadays, the origin of mined material is a mature
           Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) topics as   process with well-renowned products. We offer not only
           an essential part of their strategy in a changing world.
                                                              the “Valcambi Green Gold” ®, but also segregated
                                                              and traceable gold from ASMs, both certified and not
           Now in 2024 – twenty years later – we must ask, is this   certified. By doing so, we take care more directly not
           report, together with the 2004 “Recommendations by the   only of the downstream market needs and expectations,
           financial industry to better integrate environmental, social   we also take care of the upstream value chain,
           and governance issues in analysis, asset management   providing the mining cooperatives and the surrounding
           and securities brokerage”, still valid?
                                                              communities with better market conditions, financing,
                                                              and direct access to the market.
           No doubt that in twenty years many changes occurred,
           but the key principle remains: more sustainable

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