Page 7 - Bullion world volume 4 issue 6 june 2024
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Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 6 | June 2024

                                                               This move is expected to enhance transparency and
                                                               efficiency in bullion trading.
             EDITORIAL                                         According to the World Gold Council (WGC), central
                                                               banks globally increased their demand for gold by
                                                               1% in the January to March 2024 quarter, reaching
                                                               290 tonnes compared to 286.2 tonnes in the same
             Dear Readers,
                                                               period  last year.  This marked  the  strongest  start
                                                               to any year on record. In the March 2024 quarter,
             The  Environment,  Social and  Governance  (ESG)   central banks bought 69% more gold than the five-
             aspect is slowly and certainly becoming an integral   year  average,  which was 171 tonnes. The buying
             part of every industry, including ours. In this edition,   was widespread, with continued buying from China,
             we have Valcambi and Rand Refinery sharing in detail   Turkey, and India. Why did RBI, one of the most
             some of their ESG initiatives and their outcome. The   conservative central banks of the world, choose to
             organised part of the precious metals industry from   buy so much gold when it was trading at or near all-
             mines to refineries has been successful in reducing   time high? Do they know something that we don't?
             energy and water consumption and decreasing       Time will reveal.
             carbon footprint. They have also reached out to the
             neighbourhood and participated in several societal   In this special edition of Bullion World, we feature
             welfare  programmes.  Lastly  these  companies have   a series of insightful articles on various key topics.
             set very high standards in compliance beyond the   Mr  Simone Knobloch from Valcambi SA discusses
             statutory requirements. Still, a lot needs to be done,   the importance of ESG initiatives, followed by
             especially in the  downstream value  chain  (from   Mr Shaokai Fan, who explains  the World Gold
             bullion to  jewellery  to  retail including  recycling).   Council's strategies in the ASEAN region. Mr Praveen
             Technology is certainly going to enable this. It also   Baijnath  shares  Rand  Refinery’s  ESG  efforts,  while
             calls for a much more collaborative approach and   Mr Ramakrishnan Padmanabhan  from IFSCA talks
             focus on research to arrive at optimal solutions.
                                                               about  potential  collaborations  with  the  ASEAN
                                                               market. Mr Ashok Gautam provides an article on
             The  India  International  Bullion Exchange  (IIBX),   IIBX. Additionally, Ms Rhona O’Connell from StoneX
             commenced operations  on July 29, 2022 with  an   Financial Ltd offers insights on the PGM sector, and
             aim to make India a major regional hub for bullion   Mr Mahendran from Karur Vysya Bank discusses the
             trading.  IIBX  prioritizes  efficient  price  discovery,   role of nominated banks. Mr Spencer Campbell from
             standardization, and quality assurance. It is the first   SE Asia Consulting Pte Ltd Singapore shares his views
             global bullion exchange to offer bullion depository   on the Vietnam market. The edition concludes with
             receipt (BDR) settlements every 30 minutes. IIBX   contributions from Eventell Global Private Advisory
             made  a  notable  impact  in  the  2023-24  fiscal  year,   Ltd and Bullion World, followed by insights into the
             recording 908 metric tonnes of silver  trade.  The   ASEAN gold market.
             Reserve Bank of India has recently permitted the
             International Banking Units (IBUs) of Indian banks to   Best wishes,
             act as trading and clearing members (TCM) at IIBX.   G Srivatsava
             SBI is the first bank to join as TCM.

           We would be happy to receive your comments and feedback on the content of this edition,
           please write to

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