Page 12 - Bullion world volume 4 issue 6 june 2024
P. 12

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 6 | June 2024

           Our main efforts are now dedicated to the secondary
           feeds. Recycled gold is more eco-friendly than mined
           gold: not only is the mining process absent and
           transportation more efficient, but the refining process
           is also more efficient and has less of an impact on the
           environment, due to the reduced need for energy and

           At the same time, identification of the origin of recycled
           materials is more complex. The technological solutions
           that work for the primary feeds, which mostly rely on the
           analysis of the impurities included in the mined materials,
           are not sufficient for gold. This is because gold has a
           high purity and has been refined several times, often
           after being alloyed to produce 18 carats or even lower
           purity jewellery.

           We are confident that there will be new solutions
           soon, and we are actively investing in research and
           development to achieve this target. To bridge this period   complemented by verifications on-site, at the supplier
           until the technology is available, we have contributed   and intermediate refinery premises, and corroborated by
           to the development of software tools that allow the   independent assurances. Some of these measures were
           traceability of the upstream value chain while protecting   introduced by Valcambi in 2014, ten years ago.
           the commercial-valued information of our business
           partners. Secure Data Storage (SDS) is one of these   In taking care of the environment as well as the
           tools: it allows us to ensure that our gold supplier   need of our downstream partners, some years ago
           has performed Due Diligence which is in line with   we established a collaboration with independent
           OECD guidance and that of other regulators (LBMA,   advisors who developed a tool for reporting the ESG
           LPPM, RJC, Swiss Governmental authorities), and is
                                                              performances of the major mining companies and mining
                                                              sites. This tool, in combination with a deep analysis
                                                              of Valcambi’s footprint, that since 2016 is calculated
                                                              with the support of an independent advisor, allows our
                                                              clients to make a precise calculation of their impact
                                                              in CO2 equivalents of their products. In taking care
                                                              of the expectations of clients looking for the minimum
                                                              environmental impact, we now offer gold produced
                                                              exclusively from recycled materials.

                                                              We have discussed the Environmental and Social
                                                              aspects, but what about the Governance principles that
                                                              were set out in 2004 – are they still valid? Yes, they are.
                                                              And Governance expectations have also increased. A
                                                              solid management system, with well-defined policies,
                                                              roles, duties, effective controls, and related segregations
                                                              to avoid any possible conflict of interest, are self-
                                                              evident. Our organisation is independently audited
                                                              several times a year by different auditors to ensure
                                                              compliance with all the required and voluntary standards
                                                              and regulations. In 2024, we received independent
                                                              confirmation of compliance with the EU regulation on
                                                              conflict minerals: we care and we take care of the needs
                                                              of our downstream clients who directly or indirectly will
                                                              introduce gold into the EU market.

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