Page 14 - Bullion world volume 4 issue 6 june 2024
P. 14

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 6 | June 2024

                    Building Trust and Transparency:

                         How the World Gold Council is

            Transforming Gold Investment in ASEAN

                                   Mr Shaokai Fan, Head of Asia Pacific (ex-China)
                                 & Global Head of Central Banks, World Gold Council

           Gold has long been revered as a secure investment,
           a hedge against inflation, and a symbol of wealth
           and stability. In recent years, influenced by economic
           uncertainties and global structural changes, the
           World Gold Council has observed a dynamic shift in
           gold consumption patterns within the ASEAN market,
           underscoring the growing importance of this precious
           metal in the region. As detailed in World Gold Council’s
           Q1 2024 Gold Demand Trends report, global gold
           demand reached its highest first-quarter level since
           2016. This uptick is driven primarily by significant
           purchases from central banks, alongside increased
           consumer demand in the ASEAN region.

           In Singapore, the Monetary Authority of Singapore
           (MAS) added 2 tons to its gold reserves, potentially
           reflecting a strategic move amidst macroeconomic
           volatility. Other notable buyers in Asia included the
           Reserve Bank of India, the National Bank of Kazakhstan,
           and central banks from Oman and the Kyrgyz Republic.
           Consumer demand for gold in Singapore also surged by
           20% year-on-year to 4 tons, with bar and coin demand
           increasing by 29% and jewellery consumption up by                 Mr Shaokai Fan
           14%. Other notable buyers in Asia included the Reserve
           Bank of India, the National Bank of Kazakhstan, and
           central banks from Oman and the Kyrgyz Republic. Gold
           ETFs in the region saw a 16% increase in total assets
           under management, reaching US$11 billion, indicating
           a healthy appetite for gold investments amid financial

           The trend towards gold as a safe-haven asset is
           particularly pronounced among younger investors in the
           ASEAN region who are facing inflation and economic
           instability for the first time. It makes sense for younger   In response to these evolving market dynamics, World
           investors to explore assets that perform well during   Gold Council has implemented several strategic
           periods of uncertainty like gold as a way to diversify and   initiatives to increase consumer confidence in gold and
           protect their assets. We have observed this trend in   elevate its perception in the ASEAN market. These
           China, Japan, and other countries, and it may become   initiatives focus on building trust and transparency,
           a more widespread phenomenon if the economic       reducing barriers to access, and establishing Southeast
           conditions become less certain in other markets.   Asia as a leading global hub for gold.

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