Page 41 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 10 October 2022
P. 41

Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 10 | October 2022
                                                      NEWS                     BIS: Gold Jewellery


           Gold ETFs see continuous outflows due  Recorded Notable
           to lower returns, volatility                                        Surge
                                                                               The Bureau of Indian Standards
           Gold ETFs witnessed net outflows in August. The category saw outflows   (BIS) announced that the mandatory
           worth Rs 38.14 crore, while other ETF’s witnessed inflows of Rs 7416.46   hallmarking requirement which
           crores. According to data from Association of Mutual Funds in India, there   came into force in mid-June this
           has also been a reduction in the number of folios with Gold ETF funds. The   year has witnessed huge success.
           folios have gone down from 46,42,602 in July to 46,09,726 in August, 2022.
                                                                               There has been a notable surge in
                                                                               the volume of hallmarked jewellery
           Gold prices have fallen up to 10% in the last six months and around 20%   items, it said.
           from its historical peak in the pandemic. The gold funds category has offered
           an average return of -2.20% in one month and -0.76% in three months.   Around 3.7 crore jewellery articles
           Analysts believe that the ETFs are facing the brunt of volatility in gold prices.   were hallmarked during the initial
           The expectation of a global slowdown, higher inflation and interest rate hikes   quarter (April-June ’22) of the
           are influencing uncertainties in gold prices globally. Mutual fund managers   current fiscal year. Also, nearly
           say that the trend of outflows from gold ETFs is not just a domestic   8.68 crore jewellery articles were
           phenomenon, but a global one.
                                                                               hallmarked in the previous fiscal
                                                                               year ended 30th March, 2022. The
           “Gold prices have remained volatile over the past and hence ETFs have   statement further noted that the
           been witnessing outflows for the second month in a row. While investors   number of BIS registered jewelers
           draw some comfort around expectations of the inflation peaking, there   have surged higher significantly from
           is a continued uncertainty as macro indicators signal towards a global   43,153 in July last year to as many
           slowdown. As interest rates continue to rise, impacting gold prices, investors   as 1.43 lakhs in August this year.
           prefer to park their money in other assets like equity and short-term debt   Over the same period, the count
           instruments as opposed to gold,” says Kavitha Krishnan, Senior Analyst –   of BIS-recognized Assaying and
           Manager Research, Morningstar India.
                                                                               Hallmarking Centres have increased
           Gold ETFs inflows month on month:                                   from 948 to 1,201.
            Month                Net inflow/outflow    No. of folios
                                                                               The first phase of mandatory
            August               -38.14                46,09,726
                                                                               hallmarking had covered 14 carat,
            July                 -456.75               46,42,602
                                                                               18 carat and 22 carat gold jewellery
            June                 134.83                46,05,088               articles. The second phase covered
            May                  203.39                45,06,327               additional cartages-20carat,
            April                1,100.37              43,62,502               23 carat and 24 carat. Also, it
                                                                               covered more number of districts.
           “The outflows from gold ETFs is typical investor behaviour where tactical   Several more districts would be
           investors tend to move out of gold when equity markets do well, which has   covered under the mandatory gold
           been the case over the last 2 months. In contrast, gold ETFs saw strong   hallmarking order in future.
           inflows in the preceding months during the equity market volatility. Going
           forward, if volatility returns to equity markets, which is likely given the   The mandatory hallmarking
           aggressive tightening by global central banks led by the federal reserve,   ensures purity of gold purchased by
           gold and gold ETFs could again see renewed interest,” says Gazal Jain,   customers. It also offers them higher
           Associate Fund Manager- alternative investments, Quantum Mutual Fund.   resale or exchange value for gold
                                                                               jewellery and artefacts.
           Fund managers and advisors say that investors should view gold as a
           strategic portfolio asset instead of chasing it every time the ride gets tough   Source: https://
           in the equity markets. “Considering that gold ETF’s are used as a means
           to diversify an investor’s portfolio and are used as a hedge against market
           risks, it’s important to remember that this asset class only forms around
           5-10% of an investor’s portfolio, no matter how attractive the valuations
           get,” says Kavitha Krishnan.


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