Page 37 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 10 October 2022
P. 37

Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 10 | October 2022

                                             Scenario Analysis

                                             of Gold Market

                                             wealth, which signifies safe storage,   gold prices moved more than +/-5%
                                             in addition to being a hedge.     during that event period.  Let us
                                                                               understand all the six scenarios:
                                             In order to study scenario analysis
                                             of the gold market, various events   Scenario 1: Crash in other Asset
                                             that have impacted gold prices    Classes or Market
                                             historically from the year 2000 to   In the 21st century, all asset classes
                                             2021 are primarily studied. The   are interlinked with each other,
                                             dates during which each of these   no asset class stays in isolation.
                                             events existed were first determined   With this Intermarket analysis
                                             in order to make these comparisons.   background, gold prices are also
                                             The closing price of the international   impacted by booms or crashes
                                             gold price ($/oz) and Indian gold   in other asset classes like Equity,
                                             prices (Rs /10 gm) at the start of the   Commodities, Currencies, Bonds,
                  Dr Renisha Chainani        event and closing price at the end of   and Cryptocurrency. Positive
                   Head – Research           the event are taken and % change is   or Negative relationship exists
              AUGMONT – GOLD FOR ALL         calculated. As the market discount   based on the business cycles and

                                             all news in advance in prices,    environment. Sometimes there is a
           Consider what humourist and       sometimes announcement dates      spill-over effect which causes gold
           writer Mark Twain said: "History   or news dates are also considered,   prices to have a positive relationship
           Doesn't Repeat Itself, But It Often   rather than taking the actual starting   with other asset classes. And
           Rhymes." Financial history is littered   date.                      sometimes it is a safe-haven appeal,
           with boom-bust cycles, and the                                      which leads to gold having an
           recurrence of these cycles leads one   There are 36 such events, which   inverse relationship with other asset
           to believe that history repeats itself.   made a significant impact on gold   classes.
           However, the underlying theme,    prices during this period,
           financial asset, participants, and   which are grouped into
           events differ in each case. There are   six scenarios, as per their
           recurring cycles, ups and downs,   similarity and occurrence.
           but the overall course of events is   Gold prices react quickly
           consistent, with minor variations.   to global events. Some
           History, it has been said, repeats   of these occurrences,
           itself. This may not be entirely   however, stand out
           correct; it simply rhymes. That is the   because they had a major
           reason that financial advisor studies   impact on the conditional
           the history of various asset classes   mean and volatility of
           to get a better return by forecasting   gold prices. Only those
           future prices. Out of all the asset   events were taken into
           classes – Equity, Commodity, Debt,   consideration which had a
           and Currency – Gold has been a    significant impact on gold
           favourite topic of research for many   prices. The significant
           researchers. Gold is a store of   impact here means that

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