Page 39 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 10 October 2022
P. 39

Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 10 | October 2022

           Scenario 4: Geopolitical Tensions/ Natural Calamities
           Geopolitical tensions are exactly what they sound like: tensions or unrest caused by political concerns between or
           between two or more countries. These tensions can be caused by a variety of variables, including power, commerce,
           military activities, climate change, or a major event such as BREXIT. Geopolitical Tensions/Natural calamities raise
           uncertainty in the market, and investors rush to buy safe-haven assets like Gold, be it the 9/11 attack or US-China
           Trade war or the COVID-19 pandemic.

                                                                 International Gold
           Scenario 4                  Scenario Period                                  Indian Gold Price (Rs)
                                                                      Price ($)

           Geopolitical Tension /    Starting   Ending   Days Starting  Ending  %Chng Starting  Ending  %Chng
           Natural calamities

           9/11 Attack           11-Sep-01  28-Mar-02     198   275.5   302.6    9.8%        --      --      --
           Hurricane Katrina in   29-Aug-05  12-Dec-05    105     437   529.3   21.1%    6277    7971   27.0%
           the US

           US-China Trade War    22-Jan-18   15-Jan-20    723  1331.9    1554   16.7%   29834   39611   32.8%
           2020 COVID            23-Mar-20  06-Aug-20     136  1567.6 2054.6    31.1%   41163   55845   35.7%
           Pandemic 1st Wave
           2021 COVID            08-Mar-21  28-May-21      81    1678 1902.5    13.4%   44218   48542    9.8%
           Pandemic 2nd Wave

           Scenario 5: Tight Monetary policy / Risk-on Sentiment
           Tight monetary policy refers to a central bank's efforts to constrict a rising economy by raising interest rates,
           requiring banks to hold more reserves, and selling US Treasury bonds. There is a Risk-On sentiment in the market
           when central bankers around the world are softening their stance and flooding the market with more liquidity. During
           such times, investors put their money into risky assets like Equities and Commodities and avoid buying safe-haven
           assets like Gold.
                                                                 International Gold
           Scenario 5                 Scenario Period                                  Indian Gold Price (Rs)
                                                                     Price ($)
           Tight monetary policy /  Starting   Ending   Days  Starting  Ending  %Chng Starting  Ending  %Chng
            Risk-on Sentiment

           2004-06 FED Interest   29-Jun-04  29-Jun-06   730    392.5   586.5  49.4%     5912   8863    49.9%
           rate rise
           QE3 with Risk-on      13-Sep-12  29-Oct-13    411   1769.5 1345.2 -24.0%     32326  30146    -6.7%

           QE Tapering          22-May-13   31-Oct-14    527   1367.4 1171.1 -14.4%     25963  26135     0.7%
           2014-18 FED Interest   20-Mar-14 26-Sep-18   1651   1330.5 1194.4 -10.2%     29751  30593     2.8%
           rate rise
           COVID Vaccination     12-Aug-20  08-Mar-21    208   1937.5   1678 -13.4%     52254  44218   -15.4%

           Scenario 6: Technical Buying in Gold
           Technical analysis uses charts, patterns, and indicators to discover trading opportunities based on the activities
           of Market Participants. An uptrend occurs when prices make higher highs and lower lows, whereas downtrends
           occur when prices make lower highs and lower lows. Gold prices have been in a long-term uptrend as it has been
           making higher highs and higher lows for the last 25 years. In the short term, trends might fluctuate as per various
           determinants affecting prices. But whenever gold breaks its previous high, it starts its new uptrend, followed by
           technical buying.

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