Page 38 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 10 October 2022
P. 38

Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 10 | October 2022

            Scenario 1                  Scenario Period       International Gold Price ($)  Indian Gold Price (Rs)
            Crash in other Asset    Starting     Ending Days Starting  Ending  %Chng   Starting  Ending  %Chng
            Classes or Mkt
            Dot-Com Burst        10-Mar-00   30-Sep-02   934     290    323.9   11.7%        --     --      --
            2006 Market Crash    12-May-06   14-Jun-06    33    711.8   564.1 -20.8%    10543    8434   -20.0%
            2008 Stock and Oil    15-Jul-08 05-Dec-08    143    978.7   750.9 -23.3%    13560   12071   -11.0%
            Market Crash
            2015 Oil Market Crash  18-May-15  17-Dec-15  213   1227.6 1049.7   -14.5%   27617   24841   -10.1%
            2018 Crypto Crash     18-Dec-17   11-Apr-18  114   1263.7 1356.9     7.4%   28470   31355    10.1%
            Pandemic Sell-off in   02-Jan-20  20-Apr-20  109   1528.1 1703.4   11.5%    39277   45714   16.4%
            Crude Oil
            2021 Crypto Crash     14-Apr-21  28-May-21    44   1735.3 1902.5    9.6%    46608   48542     4.1%

           Scenario 2: Loose Monetary policy/Risk-off Sentiment
           A loose monetary policy aims to expand or grow an economy by decreasing interest rates, lowering bank reserve
           requirements, and purchasing US Treasury securities. If the economy is in a slump with high unemployment and
           output that is below potential GDP, loose monetary policy can help the economy recover. For example, during the
           2008 financial crisis, investors attempted to decrease risk by selling current dangerous positions and transferring
           money to cash or low/no-risk investments like US Treasury bonds and Gold.

            Scenario 2                  Scenario Period       International Gold Price ($)  Indian Gold Price (Rs)
            Loose monetary policy/  Starting     Ending Days Starting  Ending  %Chng   Starting  Ending  %Chng
            Risk-off Sentiment
            2001-03 FED Interest   02-Jan-01  25-Jun-03  904      270   349.2  29.3%         --      --      --
            Rate Cuts
            2007-08 FED Interest   18-Sep-07  16-Dec-08  455      717   841.9   17.4%    9374   12930   37.9%
            Rate Cuts
            Quantitative Easing 1  25-Nov-08  30-Jun-10  582    818.5 1245.5   52.2%    13035   18852   44.6%
            Quantitative Easing 2  03-Nov-10  30-Jun-11  239   1337.6 1502.3   12.3%    19469   21904   12.5%
            2019-20 FED Interest   30-Jul-19  09-Mar-20  223   1429.7  1675.7   17.2%   34529   44353   28.5%
            Rates cuts
            Quantitative Easing 4 -   17-Mar-20  31-Dec-20  290  1486.5  1893.1  27.4%  39518   50151   26.9%
            CARES Act

           Scenario 3: Financial Crisis/Recession
           A financial crisis is any of a range of instances in which the nominal value of some financial assets drops dramatically.
           Stock market collapses, and the bursting of other financial bubbles, currency crises, and sovereign defaults are
           further examples of financial crises. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, many financial crises were associated with
           banking panics, and many recessions coincided with these panics. Gold has been a clear outperformer during these
           times and scenarios of the financial crisis.

                                                                 International Gold
            Scenario 3                 Scenario Period                                  Indian Gold Price (Rs)
                                                                      Price ($)
            Financial Crisis /     Starting     Ending   Days Starting  Ending  %Chng Starting  Ending  %Chng
            US Subprime Crisis   02-Jan-07   01-Jun-09    881    635.2  979.3   54.2%    9288   14808   59.4%

            Great Recession      03-Dec-07   30-Jun-09    575     792   927.1   17.1%   10149   14451   42.4%
            European Sovereign   01-Oct-09  01-May-13    1308  1000.1 1446.2    44.6%   15567   26540   70.5%
            Debt Crisis
            BREXIT               23-Jun-16   31-Jan-20   1317  1261.6 1582.9    25.5%   29914   41000   37.1%
            2020 COVID           28-Feb-20   30-Apr-20     62  1564.1 1684.2     7.7%   41397   44906    8.5%
            Pandemic Recession

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