Page 33 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 10 October 2022
P. 33

Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 10 | October 2022

           The global silver market has experienced a somewhat   The Silver Market
           mixed bag in 2022. Key demand categories are poised to
           rise this year, including industrial, investment, jewellery,   in 2022
           and silverware. Mine supply is also expected to increase,
           as is industrial recycling supply. Silver prices have shown
           exceptionally high volatility to date, with a high of $26.94
           and a low of $17.56. This range of $9+ over the first nine
           months of 2022 is already higher than the range seen
           in 2021 (around $8.5). That said, even with the rising
           demand forecast for silver, geopolitical and economic
           issues present challenges to the entire precious metals

           These challenges include silver serving a dual role of
           precious and industrial metal, the combination of rising
           interest rate hikes/rising Treasury yields, the dollar at a
           multi-decade high, and recession fears (which undermine
           industrial metals’ appeal) and mean that silver has been
           particularly vulnerable to professional investors’ sell-off.

           Silver Demand
           The global total is forecast to grow by around 11% to
           achieve a new all-time high in 2022. On the industrial
           side, demand is poised to benefit from vehicle
           electrification (including more electric vehicles, higher
           silver-bearing electronics devices per car, and the rapid
           expansion of charging stations across cities) and the
           ongoing shift to green energy infrastructure construction
           (PV in particular). As a result, PV is expected to grow           Mr Michael DiRienzo
           by 16 million ounces (Moz). However, strong demand
                                                                      Executive Director, The Silver Institute
           from these areas has been offset by the weakness in
           consumer electronics and the negative impact of supply
           chain disruptions. We expect industrial demand to post a  Investment demand is also forecast to rise to over
           new record of 533.2 Moz.                           308 Moz, the highest level since 2015. Inflationary
                                                              concerns and geopolitical uncertainty have continued to
           Jewellery & Silverware offtake is expected to post   encourage retail investors in the U.S. and Europe to buy
           double-digit growth in 2022, led by India, where volumes   silver coins and bars. In India, the pullback in prices over
           have been boosted by softer metal prices and a post-  the summer has also resulted in a sharp rise in bargain
           COVID economic recovery.                           hunting and strong Indian imports of silver bullion.

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