Page 29 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 10 October 2022
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Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 10 | October 2022
Platinum Bullion Panda exhibition in SPW 2022
The importance of PGMs has also Market Summit and two satellite Africa’s PGM mining companies,
attracted unprecedented attention events, CHEMPLEX Salon and Anglo many of the world-leading
domestically. In September 2022, American PGMs Forum. companies across the PGMs value
Lin-Gang Group, a leading Chinese chain, Chinese PGMs fabricators,
state-owned developer of industrial During SPW 2022, Platinum Guild central banks, and traders. SPW
parks, announced a plan to set up a International, China, showcased the 2022 also attracted jewellery
Platinum and Precious Metals Centre latest platinum jewellery pieces from fabricators from Shenzhen, China’s
(PPMC) within Lin-Gang Special the Platinum Moment collection. jewellery manufacturing centre.
Area (LGSA), Shanghai. LGSA, well Shanghai Gold Coin Investment SPW 2022 was held virtually, with
known as the site of Tesla’s Shanghai Company, a subsidiary of China the option of in-person attendance
Gigafactory, is an economic Gold Coin Incorporation, displayed for those living in China. WPIC
development zone that opened in a series of China Panda coins, partnered with Hubilo, a leading
2017. The PPMC aims to further famous for their long and illustrious virtual event platform, to provide
stimulate China’s PGMs market and history going back over 40 years. overseas delegates with a seamless
PGMs eco-system by incorporating a This year platinum investment virtual conference experience and
PGMs research institute and a PGMs received a boost with the issue of interaction.
industrial park. the first platinum bullion Panda after
an absence of over 15 years. It has Over time, SPW will be an annual
Shanghai Platinum Week 2022 been announced that the 2023 fixture for the PGMs industry,
Launched last year to great acclaim, Panda series will continue to feature continuing to strengthen the ties
Shanghai Platinum Week (SPW) a platinum bullion coin. between China and the global PGMs
2022 took place in the first week markets. SPW 2023 is planned
of September at Shanghai Library Despite stringent pandemic-related to take place in the last week of
East Hall. The event, which WPIC measures in China and ongoing June. More overseas participants
co-founded, has gained tremendous lockdowns in significant cities, SPW are expected for the 2023 event,
support from the PGMs industry. 2022 successfully attracted more assuming China relaxes its
This year, the format of SPW than 450 delegates. The event also international travel restrictions in the
comprised a two-day China PGMs received strong support from South coming months.