Page 26 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 10 October 2022
P. 26

Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 10 | October 2022

           China plays a significant role

           in the global Platinum Group

           Metals markets

                    Ms Vicki Barker
            Investor Communications Manager
            World Platinum Investment Council                     Platinum Bullion Panda

                                             In its latest Platinum Quarterly   In 2021, China imported 3.5 Moz of
                                             report, the World Platinum        platinum, over 1.2 Moz more than
                                             Investment Council (WPIC) forecast   identified demand in the country.
                                             a platinum market surplus of 974K   In the first six months of 2022, this
                                             Koz for 2022, despite an 8% decline   pattern continued. China’s excess
                                             in total supply.                  imports will more than absorb the
                                                                               surplus forecast for 2022 if they
                                             However, despite the sizeable     continue at the rate seen during
                                             surplus suggested by headline     the first half of the year, reaching
                                             supply and demand data, market    1.3 Moz annualised, based on
                                             tightness for platinum - as evidenced   Bloomberg-reported data.
                                             by lease rates - has been a feature
                                             of the second quarter and seemingly   While the high level of imports into
                                             remains ongoing, spurred by       China that are well above identified
                                             stronger-than-expected imports of   demand is not captured in published
                                             platinum into China.              supply and demand data, they are
                                                                               likely a critical factor that has led
                                             “It certainly is unusual to have such a  to elevated lease rates, indicating
                                             large apparent surplus according to   market tightness. Lease rates
                                             published data, yet unavailability of   peaked at 10% in May, a rate higher
                                             metal in the spot market,” said Trevor  than that seen at the height of the
                                             Raymond, WPIC’s Chief Executive   pandemic and significantly above the
                                             Officer.                          ten-year average. The combination

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