Page 22 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 10 October 2022
P. 22
Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 10 | October 2022
The best time to buy a
CombiBarTM was 10 years ago.
The second best time is now.
jewellery into the design boards of viewpoints in their Millennial Gold The harmony of comfortable and
their millennial gold range. Through Collection. Emerald's core values relatable designs makes the Emerald
their facilities equipped with state- are excellence and professional range one of the most sought-after
of-the-art technology and designers workmanship, and they source the brands in the market. Keeping in
with requisite artistic expertise, best metal from reputable suppliers mind the philosophy of ‘less is more’,
Emerald has successfully catered to create beautiful works of art. At Emerald has selected a variety of
to such demand for sophisticated, Emerald, extraordinary results are earrings, necklaces, bracelets,
sleek, and lightweight jewellery. produced by fusing contemporary bangles, rings, and other jewellery
Techniques such as electroforming, technology with pure gold under the for millennial women.
stamping and laser cutting have attentive guidance of knowledgeable
enabled Emerald to have precision in professionals. “To achieve undivided attention of
cutting and moulding distinct motifs youth today, EJI has concentrated on
of varied finishes. Additionally, a specialised crew long-term solutions and cooperated
keeps track of the shifting fashion with like-minded partners for the
Modernism is much too frequently industry preferences to stay current Stay Ahead campaign, which
dismissed as loud and flamboyant. with new trends. At Emerald, promises a new age of stylish
Emerald, which has astonished jewellery is elevated to become more gold jewellery consumption for the
its audience with its innovative, than just an accessory and a means forthcoming generations,” said Mr.
modern approach, redefines these of expressing one’s distinct style. Dhiaan Srinivasan.