Page 18 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 10 October 2022
P. 18

Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 10 | October 2022

                                                                               depository receipt (BDR) and is one
           Bullion Market in India                                             of the easiest methods for importing
                                                                               Gold into India

                                                                                3. Domestic Gold Spot Exchange
                                             These have enabled India Good     The domestic market is currently
                                             Delivery Refiner to command a     plagued by challenges such as
                                             premium in the market.            lack of quality assurance, weak
                                                                               price transparency and high market
                                             2. India International Bullion    fragmentation. A gold spot exchange
                                             Exchange (IIBX)                   can address these challenges
                                             With the setting up of the Indian   and eliminate resulting market
                                             International Bullion Exchange, the   inefficiencies. 3 The benefits of
                                             Indian Government allowed qualified   such an exchange would include
                                             jewellers to import gold directly   efficient price discovery, liquidity,
                                             through the exchange. Before the   and assurance of the quality of
                                             setting up of this exchange, Gold   gold. It is also expected to create a
                                             import was restricted only to Banks   national pricing structure for gold.               Sovereign Metals Limited is in the
                                             & few nominated Agencies.         Despite being the world's second-                     business of refining precious metals
                                                                               biggest gold consumer, India allows
                   Mr Surendra Mehta         A bullion spot exchange is expected   trading only in gold futures. The                    (gold and silver) and supplying
              Secretary – India Bullion and   to address these challenges and   new gold exchange will compete                        highest and most consistent quality
              Jewellery Association (IBJA)   eliminate market inefficiencies. As a   with Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBS),                products and related services and
                                             prominent market, India has always   Gold ETFs and Digital Gold. The                     solution to customers at their place
                                             aspired to be a price setter for   instruments representing gold that                     of convenience by leveraging its
           India's bullion market is one of the   bullion. Honourable Finance Minister   will be traded on the exchange will          competent and customer-focused
           largest in the world, the second   in the 2020 Union Budget gave a   be called Electronic Gold Receipts
           largest in terms of consumption   significant boost to this aspiration   (EGR). Any recognised stock                       human resources, industry-leading
           and holds an important position   by announcing the setting up of the   exchange can launch trading in                       technology infrastructure and
           globally, but it lacks organisation   India International Bullion Exchange   EGRS in a separate segment. EGR is                 transparent and globally
           and structure. To overcome these   (IIBX) at the International Financial   initially created when physical gold is           compliant-sourcing practices.
           following four significant decisions   Services Centre (IFSC) at GIFT City   deposited with Vault Managers after
           were taken by regulators:         in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, thus paving   assuring the quality of the gold. They             Sovereign Metals Limited would
           1.  To recognise India’s Good     the way for India's more significant   are credited to the Demat account of
              Delivery of Gold               role as a global price-setter for   the beneficiary. EGRs can be held for               pursue environmentally sustainable
           2.  To set up India International   bullion.                        as long as intended since they carry                   manufacturing practices and would
              Bullion Exchange                                                 perpetual validity. And finally, an EGR                  strive to be a world leader in its
           3.  To set up a Domestic Gold Spot   Under the Memorandum of        holder can withdraw the underlying                        chosen segment from India.
              Exchange                       Understanding between Central     gold from the vaults by surrendering
           4.  UAE CEPA Agreement            Depository Services (India) Limited   the EGRs. We are awaiting certain
                                             (CDSL), India INX International   taxation amendments for EGR before
           1. India Good Delivery            Exchange (IFSC) Limited (INDIA    it finally takes off.
           It was essential to give recognition to   INX), Multi Commodity Exchange
           Indian Gold Refiners who follow the   of India Limited (MCX), National   4. UAE CEPA Agreement                        
           world’s best practices in refining and   Securities Depository Limited   India has entered into a historic UAE-
           adhering to responsible sourcing.   (NSDL) & National Stock Exchange.   CEPA Agreement wherein Indian
           Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS) laid   Of India Limited (NSE), the holding   Jeweller can import Gold from UAE
           guidelines for India’s Good Delivery   company India International Bullion   by avoiding a 1% duty concession
           for Gold. Commodity exchanges     Holding IFSC Limited (IIBH), was   as per Import of Goods under
           enrolled these refiners who are not   created to set up and operationalise   concessional Rules (IGCR). In turn,
           only BIS-approved refiners but also   India International Bullion Exchange,   Indian Jewellers can export jewellery
           adhere to strict OECD guidelines.   Bullion Clearing Corporation and   to UAE, wherein UAE importers get
                                             Bullion Depository in IFSC, GIFT   a 5% duty concession on jewellery.
           Adoption of India Good Delivery   City. LBMA and UAE Good Delivery   Indian Bullion Market is growing fast
           added advantage to Indian Gold    Gold can be imported through      and is likely to become one of the
           Refiner in the Indian Market as Gold   this exchange. The trading on the   largest worldwide markets for Bullion
           Refined is certified per BIS norms.   exchange is routed through a Bullion   operators.

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