Page 13 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 10 October 2022
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Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 10 | October 2022
database for all gold, the aim is to this agreed standard will de- The current global market structure
expand the trusted, closed-loop fragment the market and increase is hugely fragmented and prevents
ecosystem which currently exists transparency, trust, participation and gold from being an easily tradeable
for the 400oz gold bar market, to demand for gold. and globally transferable financial
incorporate smaller bars including asset. For gold to be accessible and
kilo-bars. This will help consumers, And finally, the entire gold value fully fungible, the entire industry must
investors and all market participants chain must work together in a formal work together to establish a global
trust that their gold is authentic, and capacity to chart the next five, ten standard to which all participants
has been responsibly produced and and 25-year journey and vision can adhere. An agnostic, freely
sourced. Adoption of this database for the industry, looking beyond exchangeable token representing
is the critical foundation for a more the focus on the short-term and this agreed standard will de-
accessible and fungible market that their own share of the market to fragment the market and increase
will unlock greater demand. the growth and sustainability of transparency, trust, participation and
the longer-term global market as a demand for gold.
While details on the accessibility whole.
and fungibility aspects of our And finally, the entire gold value
programme will have to remain In conclusion, we have a chain must work together in a formal
under wraps for now, I can say transformational opportunity before capacity to chart the next five, ten
there is work happening now to help us. Technology has finally given us and 25-year journey and vision
ensure the market goes through a the chance to place gold alongside for the industry, looking beyond
digital transformation. This will allow all other mainstream financial assets the focus on the short-term and
gold can have a place in modern and remove the barriers that have their own share of the market to
investment portfolios and will held it back for so long. Gold247 the growth and sustainability of
continue to be relevant for the future will transform gold. The Gold Bar the longer-term global market as a
generations of investors. Integrity programme is already whole.
underway, and the World Gold
Our aim is to make gold accessible Council will continue to work with In conclusion, we have a
24 hours a day, seven days a the entire gold industry to drive this transformational opportunity before
week. This will require removal of initiative forward. Digitalisation will us. Technology has finally given us
barriers to participation at both a allow many to access gold for the the chance to place gold alongside
retail and institutional level, and first time, and it will boost investor all other mainstream financial assets
the introduction of modern market participation. No one stakeholder and remove the barriers that have
infrastructure. The digitalisation and can do this on their own. Only the held it back for so long. Gold247
tokenisation of gold is the essential entire industry, working together as will transform gold. The Gold Bar
component of modernising the gold one, can make this happen. Integrity programme is already
market to make it more accessible to underway, and the World Gold
investors. Our aim is to make gold accessible Council will continue to work with
24 hours a day, seven days a the entire gold industry to drive this
Part of this transformation is about week. This will require removal of initiative forward. Digitalisation will
making gold a fully fungible market. barriers to participation at both a allow many to access gold for the
The current global market structure retail and institutional level, and first time, and it will boost investor
is hugely fragmented and prevents the introduction of modern market participation. No one stakeholder
gold from being an easily tradeable infrastructure. The digitalisation and can do this on their own. Only the
and globally transferable financial tokenisation of gold is the essential entire industry, working together as
asset. For gold to be accessible and component of modernising the gold one, can make this happen.
fully fungible, the entire industry must market to make it more accessible to
work together to establish a global investors.
standard to which all participants
can adhere. An agnostic, freely Part of this transformation is about
exchangeable token representing making gold a fully fungible market.