Page 15 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 10 October 2022
P. 15
Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 10 | October 2022
a new refinery in London to refine all
South African gold for free!
However, the persistence of the
Chamber of Mines in South Africa
soon paid rich dividends when the
newly constructed Rand Refinery
was able to roll out home-based
production in 1921. The refinery
had been officially registered the
year before with a start-up capital of
£50,000 and shares split between
the gold-mining companies that were
members of the Chamber of Mines
(now the Minerals Council of South
It was an excellent strategic move.
Built on a stand in Elandsfontein
(later Germiston) Junction, South
Africa’s largest railroad junction, it
linked the refinery not only with the
mines – including, later, gold from
mines in the then-British colonies
of Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and
Tanganyika (Tanzania) – but also with
the prominent ports in Durban and
Cape Town.
On completion, we had a capacity
of 12 million troy ounces or 373
tonnes. Over the next decade, the Free State. South Africa’s gold At the beginning of the last decade,
this capacity couldn’t keep up as production peaked in 1971, reaching we embarked on an extensive
the gold rush continued unabated. nearly 1,000 tonnes of gold in a modernisation programme
The fortunes of the refinery grew single year, equal to nearly 80% of to enhance the company’s
with the growing volumes of gold world gold production. By 1980 this technologies, processes and
discovered in the country’s gold belts volume had dwindled to only 30% of equipment, with significant capital
stretching from Johannesburg to global production – but the Refinery’s earmarked to automate and simplify
innovative spirit rose to the surface the complex’s processes and
again in line with rising production in introduce new technologies.
the rest of Africa.
Our products today include Good
Rand Refinery changed its business Delivery bars, kilobars, minted bars,
model from being a Southern coin blanks and other value-added
African gold refinery to reflecting products demanded by the global
its international ambitions. Gold for gold markets, including the world’s
the refinery is now sourced from all most widely held and actively traded
parts of the continent and America. gold bullion coin, the Krugerrand
We continue to adapt to evolving (with Prestige Bullion). Value-
market needs as we build for the added products are used globally in
future, notably through diversification jewellery fabrication and industrial
of products and technological applications. Prestige Bullion is a
innovation and automation. joint venture between Rand Refinery