Page 12 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 10 October 2022
P. 12

Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 10 | October 2022

           Gold247 – A strategic

           vision for transforming

           the gold market

           When I talk about how the World   From our own research, we know
           Gold Council first started working on   that almost 50% of people don’t trust
           the Gold247 programme, I always go  gold , which has led to warnings by
           back to my former career at Credit   regulators not to buy the product.
           Suisse. During my last five years   I asked myself, where could I go to
           there, I ran the firm’s global macro   check the integrity of the product?
           division, international rates, FX,   Accessibility: Our research also
           commodities and electronic trading.   demonstrated that 40% of people
           Significantly, and perhaps even   don’t understand gold or how to
           ironically, I was also the person who   safely access or invest in the asset,
           shut down commodities trading at   again leading to warnings from the
           the bank –precious metals included.  regulators. I was left asking, where
                                             do I go or how do I safely access this
           Why? Because I saw the market     product 24/7?
           as simply too difficult, risky and
           expensive to be involved with.    Highly fragmented global gold market:        Mr David Tait
                                                                                    CEO, World Gold Council
           Ultimately, closing the operation   I often liken the gold market today
           saved money and improved my       to medieval England, with feudal
           return on capital. Fast forward a   leaders ruling over their own patch,   chain working for and on behalf
           few years, and now it’s my purpose,   working together in a haphazard   of the industry. I asked – who has
           and that of the World Gold Council,   and inefficient manner. Why were   responsibility for our industry’s
           to figure out why the gold market   the markets not joined up and gold   future?
           is difficult, risky and expensive and   not fully fungible? Imagine if they
           change both the perception and the   were – it would be so much more   In that context, the World Gold
           reality.                          attractive to global investors and   Council has set out to solve for gold
                                             asset managers.                   integrity, accessibility and fungibility
           When I first joined the World Gold                                  –and that is what we call Gold247.
           Council, I identified four fundamental   Lack of global governance and   We’ve been working on this initiative
           challenges facing the gold market.  regulatory oversight: Unlike    for several years now, mostly behind
                                             many other markets, there is      closed doors. However, I’m proud to
           Lack of trust: This is evident at both   no overarching entity or body   say that the first critical step of this
           the retail and institutional levels.   representing the entire supply   programme is well underway with the
                                                                               Gold Bar Integrity Programme.

                                                                               The LBMA and World Gold Council
           1 48% Global gold considerers who have never bought and cited a lack of trust as a barrier to   partnered to develop and implement
           purchase; source: Retail gold insights 2019, World Gold Council.
           2 40% Global gold considerers who have never bought and cited ease of purchase as a key   an international system of gold
           requirement when buying gold. source: Retail gold insights 2019, World Gold Council  bar integrity. Using Blockchain to

                                                                               create an exhaustive, immutable

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