Page 9 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 10 October 2022
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Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 10 | October 2022

           be released in October, will make   the existing content, the working   LBMA Launches Assaying and
           recommendations designed to       group considered working from     Refining Conference 2023
           reimagine the ASM sector. One such   home, diversity and inclusion,   Registration is now open for the
           recommendation is to focus more on   physical settlement risks and   next LBMA Assaying and Refining
           countries with demonstrated pro-  environmental risks, and social and   Conference, which will take place on
           ASM laws and policies, less conflict   governance criteria.         Sunday, 12- Wednesday, 15 March
           and more excellent governance                                       2023. Delegates can meet leading
           stability.                        The Code now references the       industry figures and specialists and
                                             following:                        engage with the comprehensive
           Gold Bar Integrity (GBI)          •   Financial Markets Standards   programme, technical sessions and
           The Gold Bar Integrity programme     Board (FMSB) papers and        expert speakers. I do not forget,
           (GBI) – jointly launched by LBMA     spotlight reviews;             of course, exceptional networking
           and the World Gold Council in March   •   Responsible Gold and      opportunities.
           2022 – aims to digitally monitor gold   Responsible Silver Guidance;
           moving through the global supply   •   Conflict Mineral Regulation.  Find Out More
           chain by confirming provenance                                      You can find out more about
           and providing transparency over the   The working group is currently   these initiatives, and other LBMA
           chain of custody.                 considering responses from the first   workstreams, at
                                             public consultation. LBMA will issue   newsroom. For more information on
           More than 30 participants took    the second and final draft for further   the Global Precious Metals Code
           part in a pilot across 13 locations,   consultation in October.     working group, or if you’d like to get
           including the UK, Europe, USA,                                      involved, please email regulatory.
           Canada, Australia, and South Africa   Good Delivery Rules Consultation If you have a
           – and saw 16 test cases complete.   After receiving positive responses,   current vacancy you wish to promote
           Now that the pilot has ended, LBMA   the first round of the Good Delivery   on the LBMA website, please get in
           can share some initial findings and   Rules Consultation closed in   touch with katherine.ernst@lbma.
           information on the next steps at its   September. Some interesting points
           Conference.                       were also raised, which will form part
                                             of the second round of consultation   About Ruth Crowell
           The pilot saw three different     due to launch in October.         Ruth was appointed Chief Executive
           simulation flights run by the two                                   of LBMA in January 2014. She is
           service providers, the participating   LBMA is in the process of setting up   responsible for LBMA’s success
           companies (mines, refiners,       a live demonstration from the service   and strategic development in
           carriers, vaults/banks) across the   providers, with the vaults designed   partnership with the Chairman and
           globe interact with each other and   to test the security features and   the Board. She is also responsible
           jointly simulate upstream- and    determine feasibility. A new webpage   for maintaining accountability to –
           downstream-related processes on   is now live on the LBMA website,   and the quality of – the Association's
           the blockchain-based solutions.   guiding all market participants on   Membership and Good Delivery
                                             Russian Good Delivery Former List   Refiners, as well as representing the
           The pilot has been instrumental in   bars, with a separate guide providing   interests of the Association regarding
           helping to understand the technology  more detail about all Good Delivery   regulators, investors, media and
           and its uses in the precious metals   Former List bars.             international precious metals
           supply chain. It highlighted how                                    markets. She was also responsible
           the industry could collaborate on a   Share Your Precious Metals Vacancies  for the Association's supply chain
           shared solution to address a shared   on                due diligence work, particularly
           problem – confirming provenance   LBMA has developed a resource     regarding the creation and strategic
           and providing chain of custody    to share job vacancies within the   development of LBMA’s Responsible
           transparency.                     precious metals industry to support   Sourcing Programme.
                                             the market and its Members.
           Global Precious Metals Code Update  Member organisations can share   Ruth continues to serve as Vice
           LBMA has been reviewing the       details about the vacancy –       Chair of the OECD Multi-Stakeholder
           Global Precious Metals Code       including job title, submission end   Governance Group for Responsible
           (Code) with an industry working   date and a description of the role   Minerals and is a Non-Executive
           group comprising more than 30     – which will be posted on a new job   Director for Wilton Park and a
           participants to ensure it remains fit   vacancies section within the LBMA   Trustee for Human Rights at Sea.
           for purpose. In addition to enhancing   Newsroom.

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