Page 21 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 10 October 2022
P. 21

Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 10 | October 2022

                                                                               Dhiaan Srinivasan & Mrs Shakthi
                                                                               Srinivasan, Directors, Emerald Jewel
                                                                               Industry India Ltd. According to
                                                                               the directors of Emerald, customer
           That said, even with such a       jewellery like simple tassel diamond   service and convenience are the
           revolution, gold has been the only   earrings, light and fancy rose   two most important factors that the
           constant throughout. Mr Srinivasan,   gold jewellery, simple pearl studs,   brands need to work on moving
           MD & Chairman of Emerald Jewel    pearl necklaces, light chains with   forward. They claimed that today
           Industry, believes that gold is a   a fancy pendant etc., are the new   32% of Indian millennial women feel
           timeless metal; trends may come   favourite these days. Jewellery with   don’t find gold jewellery that caters
           and go, but the love for it will never   geometric patterns is another. Be it   to their needs of fine jewellery. Thus,
           cease. Gold embodies purity       in studs, drops, diamond earrings,   it’s time for gold jewellery promotions
           and elegance, forever making it   pendants or bracelets, geometric   to focus more on its beauty and
           the chosen metal for auspicious   designs are a sought-after design   aesthetic value than on investment
           occasions and everyday wear alike.   for a casual day out, party, or a   benefits. By doing that, the industry
           Its ability to complement an array   business meeting. Thus, the need   can appeal to the design language
           of colours makes it the go-to pick   for jewellery brands to focus on   and style of millennials, who have
           for the modern woman. Today, they   finding ways to make such pieces   been picking other creative and
           want to look for a piece of gold   which are one-of-a-kind to be at the   innovative accessories to suit
           jewellery that’s minimalistic yet   top of the market.              themselves.
           elegant, that is classic yet conveys
           a gamut of priceless emotions and   “Millennial’s purchase decisions keep  Uniqueness and freshness are the
           can be worn on special occasions or   on changing with time. Thus, it's   two USPs of such modern jewellery,
           every day.                        best to create an intuitive platform   and Emerald is one that has been
                                             to suit changing needs of clients   able to bring together the essences
           Minimalism is the trend of the times,   5-10 years down the line and enjoy   of traditional and contemporary
           and minimalistic designs on gold   a sustainable advantage,” said Mr

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