Page 31 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 10 October 2022
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Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 10 | October 2022
STRATEGIC PARTNER bank, which will be a material centre
Recent updates on the for the jewellery industry. This
aims to make it more efficient for
ASEAN Gold Market businesses to conduct gold trading
and will help to optimise Indonesia's
potential as one of the largest
global gold producers. However,
establishing bullion banks, which
means shifting from a traditional
banking business to banking
serving all transactions, including
DUBAI institutional and regulatory changes
bullion, requires gradual significant
such as reducing taxes related to
investment-grade gold bullion to 0%
PRECIOUS on both imports and value-added
tax (VAT) for all domestic bullion
transactions under the proposed
new Bullion Banking Act.
METALS Vietnam
Vietnamese jewellery consumption
CONFERENCE grew by 28% y-o-y to 4 tonnes in
Q2 2022. Falling local gold prices,
economic recovery and higher
incomes due to companies' reversal
2022 of pay cuts helped to boost demand.
Similarly, retail investment increased
by 5% y-o-y during the quarter to 10
tonnes as investors concerned about
inflation and the devaluation of the
Vietnamese dong sought refuge in
21 - 22 NOVEMBER gold.
In 2020, the State Bank of Vietnam
Mr Albert Cheng (SBV) implemented changes
in its gold management policy,
Honorary CEO of SBMA and advisor to the World Gold Council
THE FUTURE OF TRADE and Shanghai Gold Exchange including the complete liberalisation
of production and sales of gold
IN PRECIOUS METALS With many parts of the world Indonesia jewellery, simplification of the
conditions to obtain licensing to
moving toward endemic COVID and
Jewellery consumption in Indonesia
relaxing COVID-related measures, grew by 18% year-on-year (y-o-y) produce and sell gold tael bars,
and temporarily allowing imports
Register now for the pre-eminent ASEAN economies are buzzing to 5 tonnes in Q2 2022 on the back of gold raw materials for the
annual gathering for the industry again, supporting the recovery of of economic recovery, improved manufacturing of gold jewellery to
the regional gold market in 2021
consumer sentiment and rupiah
be exported. While the SBV still
and H1 in 2022. Economies across depreciation. Similarly, Indonesia’s prohibits importing unprocessed
the region are looking up, as retail investment grew by 10% y-o-y gold materials, the Vietnamese Gold
seen by the increase in jewellery to 4 tonnes in Q2 2022, according to Traders Association (VGTA), WGC,
consumption and retail investment. the World Gold Council (WGC). and SBMA will organise a forum
Notwithstanding concerns regarding on 15 November 2022 to share
global stagflation, a strengthening At the 2022 APPMC, Iskandar progress on regulatory changes in
US dollar and a high-interest rate Simorangkir, Indonesia's Deputy the regional gold markets and to
environment, ASEAN still has an for Macroeconomic & Financial look at measures the Vietnam gold
enormous opportunity for the gold Coordination, announced the market can adopt to catch up. community. country's intention to set up a bullion The VGTA, on behalf of the gold