Page 35 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 10 October 2022
P. 35
Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 10 | October 2022
Digital Gold and Silver:
The Next-Gen Fintech Ecosystem
Ms Tarusha Mittal
COO & Co-Founder, Oropocket & UniFarm
Gold in India has historically been classes in the country. People be bought online, stored in insured
more than an investment. It is a have continued to flock to safe, vaults on behalf of the customer,
culturally significant metal that liquid investments like gold in these and purchased via multiple mobile
has found a place in Indian hearts uncertain times. However, the e-wallets, UPI IDs, or banks.
and homes. We have witnessed share of new-age investments like
consumers of ages and genders digital gold has increased due to The users can liquidate their assets
investing in gold for purposes digitalisation. whenever they want and transfer
like gifting, wedding, religious their gold or silver to the Indian vault
connotations, investments, etc. Digital gold is a safe, convenient, at the same price. They can also
Irrespective of the price change, the and hassle-free way for those enjoy the ease of service by directly
investments in the yellow metal have wanting to accumulate gold, with buying gold or silver from Indian
remained consistent as it is the only the eventual option for delivery. vaults and converting them into
proven hedge against inflation. The Oropocket enables customers to physical gold by ordering at-home
investments or purchases in gold buy, sell and receive vaulted gold delivery.
have continued to go up since the at low ticket sizes, around the
economy was unlocked, given the clock, with the tap of a button. This Some benefits of buying Digital Gold
strong affinity towards metals across innovation has made gold more with OroPocket
India. functional, approachable, and • Get all the benefits of buying
efficient. gold with the ease of trading
According to a survey, 84% of in smaller denominations. The
millennials have stepped up their Being backed by actual physical digital gold can be bought for as
wealth management strategy to be gold, digital gold offers the investor a low as Re. 1.
prepared for future contingencies. unique opportunity to convert it into • Get certified and pure gold
Technology has significantly driven a tangible form as per one’s ease with 100% safety and quality
this behaviour, and increasing and convenience. Physical tangibility assurance.
investment in digital gold makes a ensures your investment has a solid • No need to worry about storage
great case study. backing that can be conveniently as the gold is kept securely in
carried anywhere with you. It offers brink vaults.
The global market has seen massive easy possession where anyone can • There are no making charges,
volatility in the recent past with the have gold delivered to their doorstep as in the case of physical gold
Covid-19 pandemic, escalating at any time in a tamper-proof, or jewellery, which means
tensions between Russia-Ukraine, insured package. An investor can significant savings.
making investment options like the procure physical gold equivalent to • Buy and sell or gift gold anytime,
stock market and cryptocurrency the value of digital gold in the form of according to the market price.
volatile. 24K gold coins or bars. Investment
platforms also have jewellery While gold bonds have a more
The pandemic has accelerated partners where you can exchange extended investment period, digital
the boom in the digital revolution, digital gold for jewellery. gold and ETFs are more liquid
expanded the gold market, and investment options. Digital gold
introduced a new form of investment One has to buy physical gold in also retains the age-long use case
- digital gold. Consumer preferences multiples of 1gm (equivalent to as collateral for loans. Gold storage
and buying behaviours have approximately ₹4,500) compared is also a trouble for the majority
considerably changed owing to the with a multiple of Re 1 when buying as accumulating large amounts
pandemic. digital gold. An individual can easily of precious metal in one place
buy or sell 24 karat Hallmark gold for increases the risk of theft. With
People have been investing in gold as low as Re 1. Buying digital gold digital gold, your investment is safely
for ages, and the yellow metal has is as easy as purchasing clothes, stored in a guarded vault regulated
remained one of the favoured asset food, or recharging online. It can by renowned trustees.