Page 28 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 10 October 2022
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Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 10 | October 2022

                                                             China PGMs Market Summit 2022
                     Ms Grace-Lin
                Manager, China Investor
            World Platinum Investment Council

           of solid China imports and high
           lease rates suggests that, despite
           the estimation of a surplus for 2022,
           platinum availability in the global
           market might be overestimated.

           China is the world’s single largest
           consumer market for platinum group
           metals, accounting for more than
           25 per cent of global demand. It has                          SPW 2022
           the largest platinum jewellery market
           by annual sales and manufacturing   growth in its demand for platinum   hydrogen FCEV sedan in China, the
           output. It has risen in recent years to   and its sister platinum group metals   Chang-an SL03, has just finished
           be the second largest consumer of   (PGMs) in the foreseeable future.   testing and is expected to be
           platinum in automotive applications                                 launched later this year.
           after Europe, mainly due to China 6   In addition to its fast-growing battery
           and China VI emissions legislation   electric vehicle (BEV) market,   Recycling PGMs from spent
           for light and heavy-duty vehicles,   China has also set up policies and   autocatalysts continues to be an
           respectively.                     initiatives to support its development   essential source of ongoing supply.
                                             of the hydrogen fuel cell electric   In this regard, China has the single
           Under its fourteenth five-year plan   vehicle (FCEV) market with a focus   highest growth rate for PGMs
           for 2021-2025, China is committed   on fuel cells in the heavy-duty sector,  recycling. In February 2022, BASF
           to promoting clean, low-carbon    including buses and trucks. To    and Heraeus, two leading companies
           energy sources and efficient energy   accelerate the adoption of FCEVs,   in the PGMs value chain, agreed
           use to ensure peak emissions and   China has also introduced incentives   to form a joint venture in China
           carbon neutrality can be achieved in   to develop further the hydrogen   that will provide precious metal
           2030 and 2060, respectively.      value chain, including hydrogen   recycling solutions. This will enable
           Owing to their unique catalytic   transportation and refuelling     spent PGM catalysts from China’s
           properties and use in proton      infrastructure. Beijing is targeting   automotive and high-tech industries
           exchange membrane (PEM)           1,000 hydrogen refuelling stations   to be recovered, which can be
           technologies, platinum will continue   by 2030, with cumulative FCEV   used to make new products for the
           to be essential for China to achieve   sales reaching one million vehicles   automotive, chemical, electronics
           its ambitious targets in emissions   by 2035. Regarding passenger   and green hydrogen industries.
           reduction, leading to more robust   vehicles, the first mass-produced

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