Page 12 - Bullion World Volume 4 Issue 10 October 2024
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Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 10 | October 2024
           B ullion  W orld |  V olume 4 | I ssue 10 | O ct ober  2024
                                                              "Silver's Role

                                                              in Shaping a



                                                              Mr Octavio Alvidrez
                                                              CEO, Fresnillo Plc & Chairman, The Silver Institute


                                                                         s the newly elected Chairman of the
                                                                 Silver Institute and CEO of Fresnillo Plc, I am
                                                                 honored to offer my thoughts on behalf of
                                                                 our many members involved in essentially all
                                                                 aspects of the silver marketplace. For over
                                                                 50 years, the Silver Institute has stood as
                                                                 the voice for silver while raising the profile
                                                                 of our critical metal to the world through
                                                                 its many publications, including our annual
                                                                 World Silver Survey and numerous other
                                                                 publications and programs.

                                                                 Demand for silver in the industrial sector
                                                                 continues to rise. Another record for silver's
                                                                 use in industrial applications was established
                                                                 last year, and it is expected to set another
                                                                 high this year. As you know, solar energy
                                                                 is the most widely adopted form of clean
                       Mr Octavio Alvidrez                       energy. Silver's essential use in photovoltaics
                                                                 increased by 64% last year and is forecast
                                                                 to grow by another 20% in 2024. At the
                                                                 same time, other green-related applications,
            Silver is increasingly being                         including power grid construction and
             relied upon by leaders and                          automotive electrification, will contribute to                    FOR OVER A CENTURY WE HAVE
                                                                 silver industrial demand gains.
             civil society to address the                        Silver is an important metal in our daily lives.
                                                                 It is essential to us all, and I am proud to lead                 RESHAPED VALUE RESPONSIBLY
                world's complex issues,                          the Silver Institute during this vital time.

             especially climate change.


           "I thank Bullion World for this opportunity to address your readership during the prestigious
           LBMA/LPPM Global Precious Metals Conference in Miami."


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