Page 10 - Bullion World Volume 4 Issue 10 October 2024
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Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 10 | October 2024

           Recognizing the pivotal role of banks in the precious   hedging activities. This has since been facilitated by the
           metals ecosystem, whether OTC or exchange-based,   RBI through a notification dated April 15, 2024. Foreign
           the IFSCA proposed to the RBI that Indian banks be   banks have already initiated hedging operations through
           permitted to participate in the exchange ecosystem of   their GIFT-IFSC branches in GIFT City, providing hedging
           the India International Bullion Exchange IFSC Limited   products to resident entities with gold price exposure.
           (IIBX) to enhance transparency and price discovery.   The Indian gold market is now very attractively placed in
           In response, the RBI issued a circular on February 9,   the precious metals’ ecosystem globally. The World Gold
           2024 , allowing Indian banks to participate in the IIBX.   Council forecasted that India may consume around 850
           Subsequently, the International Financial Services   tonnes in 2024 compared to 750 tonnes in 2023 which
           Centers Authority (IFSCA) issued a circular containing   is largely attributed to good monsoon and reduction in
           the guidelines for participation by Nominated Banks   custom duty on gold . The custom duty on import of gold
           importing gold and silver through IIBX, on April 19, 2024   was reduced to 6% from 15% earlier  vide Notification
           , titled “Import of gold and silver by Indian Banks through   No. 33/2024-Customs dated July 23, 2024.
           India International Bullion Exchange IFSC Limited (IIBX),”
           which permits nominated banks to participate as Special   This has resulted in strong demand for gold in the
           Category Clients (SCC) on the exchange. Prior to this,   month of August 2024, where India imported around
           the import of gold was restricted to nominated banks as   140 tonnes. The per capita consumption of gold in India
           notified by the RBI, nominated agencies as notified by   is currently around 0.53 grams, which is significantly
           the Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), Qualified  lower than many other countries . India also has a
           Jewellers as notified by the IFSCA, and valid India-UAE   strong cultural affinity for gold, which is reflected in the
           CEPA Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) Holders as notified by the   country's high jewellery consumption which was around
           IFSCA.                                             576 tonnes in 2023 . S&P Global India has forecasted
                                                              that India will become the third-largest economy in the
           The RBI circular enables the Indian Banks to participate   world by 2031 . This economic growth is likely to lead
           as Trading Member (TM) / Trading cum Clearing Member  to a significant increase in per capita income, which
           (TCM) and SCC of IIBX. The TM/TCM shall execute    could create a significant opportunity for growth in gold
           trades only on behalf of clients (without proprietary   consumption in India. As people's incomes rise, they may
           trading) and the SCC shall execute only buy trades on   allocate a portion of their increased spending to gold.
           behalf of clients. Thus, Indian banks are now permitted   Indian investors is also allocating funds to gold ETFs,
           to undertake trading and clearing operations on behalf   evidenced by a recent surge in AUM and gold holdings,
           of foreign banks. This enablement led to the beginning   now reaching approximately 52 tonnes.
           of participation of major Indian Banks like SBI, ICICI
           Banks and HDFC Bank as TCM on IIBX . Following this,   The recent repatriation of 100 tonnes gold from the Bank
           it is anticipated that many other major bullion importing   of England  is a significant indication that the RBI, as a
           Indian banks may commence their operations on IIBX   central bank, prioritizes holding custodianship within the
           soon.                                              country's borders, reflecting the strength and stability of
                                                              the national economy. The timing of the RBI's repatriation
           The IFSCA had also submitted a proposal to the RBI to   and the rise of the GIFT Precious Metals ecosystem
           allow resident entities with gold price exposure on IFSC   could not be more opportune. The country's strong
           exchanges or the OTC market in IFSC to participate in   economic growth, coupled with its cultural affinity for


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