Page 14 - Bullion World Volume 4 Issue 10 October 2024
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Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 10 | October 2024
           B ullion  W orld |  V olume 4 | I ssue 10 | O ct ober  2024
           IIBX – India’s Gateway

           for Global Bullion Market

           Mr Ashok Gautam
           Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer,
           India International Bullion Exchange IFSC Ltd.

           India International Bullion Exchange IFSC Ltd. (IIBX) established
           in GIFT City and regulated by International Financial Services
           Centres Authority (IFSCA) is India’s first International Bullion
           Exchange. Since its launch, IIBX has made rapid strides towards
           creating a world class transparent trading platform to enable
           importers in India to import bullion supplied by global suppliers.

           Gold in India is imported both as fine Gold bars as well as Doré
           Gold. In India gold import ranges from 700 to 800 tonnes. Silver
           import numbers vary between 4000 to 8000 tonnes a year.              Mr Ashok Gautam

           IIBX adheres to OECD Due Diligence Guidance for    tonnes. IIBX has also seen total 1146.3 tonnes of Silver
           Responsible Supply chain of Minerals from Conflict   trading since launch of Silver contracts in December
           Affected and High-Risk Areas for establishing supply   2023.
           chain integrity.
                                                              Recently, domestic entities having exposure to
           Through various policy level initiatives, Qualified   gold and silver price risk have also been permitted
           Jewellers and Valid Tariff Rate Quota holders are   to hedge the price risk in US Dollar terms through
           permitted to import bullion in India through IIBX. The   International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) entities.
           entities onboarded on IIBX as Qualified Suppliers are   IIBX established in IFSC is placed at an advantageous
           permitted to supply and sell bullion through its platform.  position by having almost 500 domestic entities
                                                              onboarded on Buy side. With the recent launch of
           On IIBX, bullion is traded in the form of units of ‘Bullion   Gold Futures and soon to be launched Silver Futures
           Depository Receipts’ (BDRs), which are securities with   contracts, IIBX is well poised to service the need of
           the underlying being the physical bullion warehoused in   domestic trade for their hedging requirements.
           the Vaults set up in the GIFT IFSC and J Matadee FTWZ
           at Chennai. The BDRs are dematerialized with the India   IIBX  is well on its way to  fulfil the vision of becoming
           International Depository IFSC Limited (IIDI).      the price influencer of Gold in the market by providing a
                                                              robust transparent, democratic, easy to trade  platform
           IIBX has been credited with number of global first   enabling import of bullion in India and providing hedging
           initiatives including every 30 minutes settlement of BDRs   products along with other financial products around
           and 3 times a day Funds settlement.                bullion.

           IIBX has seen robust growth in the Gold trading. After   Please reach out to us through to know
           reaching 8.3 tonnes of Gold trading till 31st March   more about IIBX.
           2024, IIBX has seen trades of 9.7 tonnes in April to June
           quarter and followed up with increase to trades of 25.4
           tonnes in July to September quarter of this Financial
           Year, thereby taking the total gold traded number to 43.5

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