Page 7 - Bullion World Volume 4 Issue 10 October 2024
P. 7

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 10 | October 2024

                                                               Switzerland  has  emerged as the leading source of
                                                               gold imports for India, accounting for approximately
             EDITORIAL                                         40% of the total imports. Following closely are the
                                                               UAE  and  South  Africa,  contributing  over  16% and
                                                               about  10%  respectively.  The  significance  of  gold
                                                               in India’s import portfolio is stark, as it constitutes
                                                               more than 5% of the country’s total imports.
             Dear Readers
                                                               India is pursuing a reassessment of specific clauses
             Between July and September 2024, gold prices      within the free trade agreement with the UAE, which
             increased by 13.3%  in USD terms  at the world    became  effective  on  May  1,  2022.  This review  is
             market. During the same period, gold in INR terms   particularly  important,  as the industry expressed
             increased only by 5.6%, thanks largely to the steep   significant concerns regarding the surge in precious
             cut in import duty announced on July 23, 2024. A   metal imports from the UAE facilitated by the trade
             temporary fall in the price of gold during the last   deal.
             week of July provided an opportunity for  retail
             investors to add more gold at lower prices. Market   In  recent  months,  silver  has  attracted  significant
             participants believed that lower duties would     attention from investors, largely due to its strong
             formalise the  trade  and  also curb  smuggling.     performance  relative to gold.  In the  last quarter,
                                                               silver-backed ETFs saw inflows of close to 829 tons,
             A proxy indicator for the extent of smuggling  is   marking  the  highest  quarterly  inflow  since  early
             the level of discount in local market price vis-à-vis   2021, when  holdings were  at  their  peak.  Year-to-
             synthetic gold price computed taking London spot   date, silver prices have risen by 34.25 %, surpassing
             price as the basis. It is interesting to note that the   gold's increase of 29.50 %. This trend appears to be
             discount in the Indian market reduced from around   supported by solid fundamentals in the silver market.
             0.9% level (an average of two months prior to the
             announcement of the duty cut) to 0.2% level in the   Happy festival season
             post-two-month window. Thus, there has been a
             significant  reduction  in  the  discounts  although  it
             has not been eliminated fully. With increased market   Best wishes,
             hygiene  and  stricter  border  controls, we  hope  we   G Srivatsava
             would soon reach a parity in prices.              Editor

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