Page 24 - Bullion World Volume 3 Issue 3 March 2023
P. 24

Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 3 | March 2023

           Malaysia Gold Conference 2023:


           Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia Gold      various forms, at Pavilion Hotel Kuala   participants – primarily gold industry
           Association (MGA) has organised   Lumpur on the 17th February 2023.   players. The core purpose of MGA
           and hosted the first ever Malaysia                                  is to protect the welfare of the
           Gold Conference 2023 in Malaysia   With first-hand information shared by   local precious metals industry and
           that was graced by the presence   local and foreign gold veterans, the   ensure that the industry continues
           of the Ambassador of the Republic   Malaysia Gold Conference 2023 was   to thrive. Hence, it is vital for
           of Kazakhstan in Malaysia, His    set to bring the local gold industry   local gold industry players to be
           Excellency Bulat Sugurbayev       to greater heights. Established in   consistently updated on regional
           accompanied by Dato’ Wira Louis   2014, MGA has over the years      market trends, global gold outlook,
           Ng (Founder & Executive Chairman   played a vital role in advancing   and the latest gold standards set
           of PG Group), the President of    local precious metals industry    by world-renowned precious metals
           MGA, along with Dato’ Chiah       through various activities from active   organisations to remain competitive
           Hock Yew (President of Federation   involvement in national policy making  in global markets.
           of Goldsmiths and Jewellers       and maintaining gold standards, to
           Associations of Malaysia), Vice   organising sales campaigns.       “MGA is honoured to host this gold
           President of MGA, Dato’ Haji Abdul                                  conference as its annual event to
           Wahab Hamid, Chairman of Malaysia   This year, MGA has organised and   promote the Malaysian gold industry
           Gold Conference 2023, who is also   kick-started its first-ever annual gold   to the community and international
           the Honorary Secretary of MGA     conference with guest speakers from   players. We shall make this a major
           to share with local gold industry   London Metals Focus, Singapore   industry event in this region with
           players useful information on the   Bullion Market Association, and   the government agencies such as
           current global gold market, gold   Federation of Goldsmiths and     the Malaysia Trade Development
           prospects for the year 2023 as well   Jewellers Association of Malaysia   Corporation, International Trade
           as market trends involving gold in   to share their expertise with   Development Corporation,

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