Page 21 - Bullion World Volume 3 Issue 3 March 2023
P. 21
Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 3 | March 2023
Mr Peter Steenkamp presented 3. Total Resources- 41.6 million
a comprehensive overview of the ounces.
current state of the gold industry, 4. Total Reserves- 14.9 million
touching on various topics like ounces.
production, consumption and 5. Average Grade- 1.67g/t
the impact of gold on the global 6. AISC costs- $1038 per ounce.
economy. He also emphasized the 7. Total Capital Expenditure in
importance of responsible mining 2022- $125 million
and highlighted the need for a long- 8. Total Number of operating
term approach in gold production. mines- 8
9. Total workforce- 8000
Key facts presented about the employees.
1. Total Gold production in 2022-
1.6 million ounces.
2. Total estimated production in
2023- 2.5 million ounces.
Mr Peter Steenkamp
CEO & ED, Harmony Gold
Mr Jeff Quarter Maine focused on Perseus emphasized the need
the below: to ensure that any development
• Use of advanced technologies should be based on the integrated
to improve the efficiency and approach taking into account the
profitability of the mining social, economic and environmental
industry. impacts of the various projects.
• The importance of innovation The importance of transparency,
in the mining industry and accountability and good governance
the need for new technology to ensure long-term sustainability of
solutions to address challenges the sector was stressed upon as well.
such as capital costs, safety,
environmental protection, Key facts presented about the
• The need to stay competitive company
in the global market was 1. Total Mining Production in 2022-
addressed. 6.7 million ounces of Gold and
34 million ounces of Silver.
Referencing his company, he 2. Total Mining Production Forecast
asserted that Perseus Mining for 2023- 8.2 million ounces of
combines data sciences and Gold and 37 million ounces of Mr Jeff Quartermaine
machine learning to provide a Silver. CEO & Managing Director
comprehensive and predictive 3. Average Mine Life- 20 Years. Perseus Mining Ltd.
analysis of mining operations. This 4. Total reserves- 97 million ounces
information can be used to identify of Gold and 523 million ounces
cost savings, optimize resources of Silver.
and increase productivity which in 5. Total resources- 140 million
turn helps Perseus mining to provide ounces of Gold and 739 million
risk mitigation and data-driven ounces of Silver.
strategy. The company also has a 6. Cash Costs- $890 per ounce
collaborative approach between of Gold and $14 per ounce of
industry, government and civil Silver.
society to create a framework for 7. AISC costs- $1050 per ounce of
responsible mining. Gold and $19 per ounce of Silver.