Page 19 - Bullion World Volume 3 Issue 3 March 2023
P. 19

Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 3 | March 2023

           Mining Indaba: Highlights of select gold

           industry presentation

           Industry leaders from Global mining companies and industry participants presented their views at the Mining
           Indaba summit held at Cape Town, South Africa, from February 6th to 9th. The following are the compilation of
           the presentations taken from the respective company websites

                                             Key facts presented about the        projected annual production
                                             company                              of 6-7 million ounces of gold in
                                             1.  Newmont Corporation is a         2023.
                                                global leader in the gold mining
                                                industry, with a presence in 14   The global gold mining industry is
                                                countries and five continents   expected to continue to grow over
                                                with operations in America,    the next few years, with production
                                                Australia, and Africa.         anticipated to increase at a
                                             2.  Newmont Corporation is the    compound annual growth of 2.6 per
                                                largest producer of gold, with   cent from 2019 to 2023.
                                                a portfolio of 26 operating
                                                mines and 14 advanced-stage    Global mining investment is
                                                development projects.          projected to reach a peak of $876
                                             3.  Newmont Corporation has       billion in 2023. This is primarily
                                                invested over $1 billion in safety   driven by the demand for gold in
                                                and environmental initiatives   China, India, and other emerging
                   Mr Tom Palmer                since 2000.                    markets. In addition, the US mining
                 Senior Vice President       4.  The corporation is well-      industry could peak at $60 billion in
                 Newmont Corporation            positioned to capitalise on the   2023, and global mining technology
                                                global gold mining industry’s   investments are projected to reach
                                                growth opportunities, with a   $50 billion by the same year.

           Barrick Gold is one of the world’s   support the communities where it
           largest gold producers, with 27   operates.
           operating mines and projects across
           10 countries.                     On the importance of collaboration
                                             between the industry and the
           In 2020, the company produced 6.6   governments, it was noted
           million ounces of Gold. Barrick Gold   that Barrick has worked with
           is currently focused on developing   governments and other stakeholders
           new projects in the US, Canada,   to develop a responsible approach to
           and the Dominion Republic. Barrick   gold mining.
           Gold Corporation plans to invest
           an additional $1 billion to fund   Key facts presented about the
           its exploration and development   company
           programs in the coming years.     1.  Total Gold production of 6.6
                                                million ounces for the year 2022.
           The company is committed to       2.  Total Gold Reserves of 77.3
           sustainable and ethical practices,   million ounces.
           including a commitment to reduce   3.  Total Cash costs of $811 per
           its carbon footprint. The corporation   ounce of gold sold for the year
           has achieved a 40% reduction in      2022.
           scope 1 and 2 emissions since     4.  Total Capital expenditure of          Mr Mark Bristow
           2017. Additionally, the company      $1.1billion for the year 2022   President and CEO, Barrick Gold
           has invested in several initiatives to   5.  Total Net Earnings of $ 1.1 billion
                                                for the year 2022.

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