Page 20 - Bullion World Volume 3 Issue 3 March 2023
P. 20
Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 3 | March 2023
B2Gold’s strategy is to focus on Key facts presented about the
low-cost, high-grade gold production company
as well as its commitment to 1. Total Gold Reserves as of 202
sustainability and responsible mining was estimated at 19.97 million
practices. The company plans to 2. The total resources as of 2022
expand its operations in Africa were around 37.45 million
and s exploration activities in Latin ounces, including the reserves
America. The company understands for that year.
the importance of investing in local 3. The total land holdings of
communities and has contributed B2Gold were about 2.9 million
to various health and educational hectares.
initiatives around the mining 4. Gold production for year 2022
areas. The company’s long-term was about 1.2 to 1.3 million
commitment is to being one of the 5. The average cost of production
gold mining industry's leaders and per ounce was about $750 per
helping create a more sustainable ounce.
future for everyone. 6. AISC cost per was up to almost
$1000 per ounce.
Mr Clive Johnson
CEO, B2Gold
The company operates 23 mines Key facts presented about the
and 5 processing units across company
14 countries. The company’s 1. Zijin Mining is a leading Chinese
operations are focused mainly gold, copper, and zinc producer,
on gold extraction. Zijin’s goal is with total assets exceeding $38
to become a globally competitive billion and a global presence in
mining and metals company, over 20 countries.
investing heavily in exploration, 2. The total gold production was
technology, and innovation. 2.8 million ounces for 2022
3. Zijin Mining is committed
As far as commitment to to becoming a leader in the
sustainability and corporate social protection of the environment as
responsibility, the company focused well as helping the communities
on protecting the environment and around its areas.
local communities.
Mr Jinghe Chen
Chairman and Founder
Zijin Mining Group Ltd.