Page 25 - Bullion World Volume 3 Issue 3 March 2023
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Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 3 | March 2023

           International Trade and Industry   a very good state, and we estimate   to present a short introduction to
           Ministry and Malaysian Investment   expectantly that it will continue to   Bursa Malaysia Gold Derivatives
           Development Authority,” said Dato’   be stable and good, due to the   Gold Contract for public awareness.
           Wira Louis Ng.                    tradition of 3 races that bond gold   According to the President of MGA,
                                             very deep in our culture and religion   Dato’ Wira Louis Ng, “We want to
           “Despite the challenging economy   here in Malaysia.” Dato’ Wira Louis   make the Malaysia Gold Conference
           in the global market, deglobalization,   Ng added during his speech at the   a resourceful event for all gold
           and a trade war between China and   Malaysia Gold Conference 2023.  industry players in Malaysia.
           US with the spy balloon, the Inflation
           rate in the world is still very high   The key speakers who participated   Therefore, apart from hosting
           and not properly contained. Federal   at the Malaysia Gold Conference   discussions pertaining to physical
           reserve moves the benchmark       2023 were Mr. Chirag Sheth,       precious metals and their
           rate higher on the precious metal   Principal Consultant from London   prospects, we have also included
           industry which is for gold, silver and   Metals Focus, Mr. Albert Cheng,   a presentation on gold derivatives
           platinum”. Louis Ng highlighted the   Honorary Chief Executive Officer   by Bursa Malaysia Derivatives this
           current global market situation, and   (CEO) of Singapore Bullion Market   time round, to cover all aspects
           he also shared a few key points   Association, Mr. Ermin Siow, Advisor   of gold in Malaysia.” On top of the
           that are pertaining to the domestic   from Federation of Goldsmiths and   informative sharing sessions by gold
           market – “With The New Government  Jewellers Associations of Malaysia.   veterans, Public Gold which is the
           on board, investors find that they                                  main sponsor for this event, had
           have more confidence in investing   The discussion topics include an   also launched its very own Malaysia
           and as for the Foreign Direct Invest   overview of the current global   Gold ATM – certified by the Malaysia
           (FDI), we are very confident that   gold market, the gold outlook for   Book of Records as the First Gold
           the project made by an investor,   2023, and the latest market trends   Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
           company or government from        involving gold in various forms. Apart   in Malaysia that dispenses physical
           another company would definitely be   from the three constructive gold   gold products.
           either mid to long term, for economic  knowledge-sharing sessions, the
           stability and growth,” Ng added   Head of Commodity Derivatives of
           sanguinely filled with positivity.   Bursa Malaysia Derivatives, Ryan
           “Jewellery and investment bars are at  Long, was also given the opportunity

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