Page 26 - Bullion World Volume 3 Issue 3 March 2023
P. 26
Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 3 | March 2023
In line with MGA’s aim to promote astonishing designs from Disney, the Founder and Executive Chairman
home-grown brands to the World, Marvel Studios, Warner Bros, of Public Gold Group. Dato’ Wira
the association is very much in Juventus, Garfield, Ejen Ali, Monsta, Louis Ng said the company is
support of this extraordinary initiative amongst others, which are perfect eyeing to have 50 ATMs this year to
by Public Gold. The momentous not only for personal collection and encourage the public, particularly
Malaysia Gold ATM launch ceremony physical gold trading purposes but Malaysians, to keep physical gold
was officiated by the Ambassador also as gifts to family and friends. for long-term wealth preservation.
of the Republic of Kazakhstan to This machine operates 24 hours a The Malaysia Gold ATM enabled
Malaysia, His Excellency Bulat day, 7 days a week, to cater to ad- consumers to purchase physical
Sugurbayev, Tan Sri Datuk Danny hoc demands at any time of the day, gold bars with 999.9 purity, which
Ooi, Founder and Advisor of The with just a push of a button. ranges up to five grams per bar, at
Malaysia Book of Records, Mr. Albert great convenience.
Cheng, Honorary Chief Executive “We at Public Gold have always
Officer (CEO) of Singapore Bullion been an innovator and we constantly
Market Association, together with progress to suit market needs. In
Dato’ Wira Louis Ng, Founder line with our brand tagline, ‘Ultimate
and Executive Chairman of PG Wealth Protector’, we want to
Group, and Datin Wira Yvonne Lim, encourage more locals to keep
Executive Director of PG Group. physical precious metals as a way
to protect their wealth. Keeping
This Malaysia Gold ATM enables physical gold is an excellent way
consumers to purchase physical to hedge against inflation. With
gold bars (with 999.9 purity) Malaysia's current economic
which ranges up to 5 grams per situation, all locals should consider
bar at great convenience. This is keeping physical gold to safeguard
to encourage the general public, their existing wealth.
particularly Malaysians to keep
physical gold for long-term wealth Hence, we feel this is the perfect
preservation. The Gram Gold time to launch our very own
Bars that are available for instant Malaysia Gold ATM to make the gold
purchase at the Gold ATM feature purchase easy,” said Ng, who is also