Page 31 - Bullion World Volume 3 Issue 3 March 2023
P. 31

Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 3 | March 2023

                                                                 Demand for gold jewellery

                                                                 picks up after Budget

                                                                 India’s leading retail jewellers said demand for gold
                                                                 jewellery has picked up after the budget, supported
                                                                 by a Rs 2,346 per 10 gm drop in price from January’s
                                                                 peak of Rs 58,689 per 10 gm.

           Budget 2023: Tax clarity on EGRs to                   Joy Alukkas, Malabar Gold & Diamonds and Senco
           boost gold recycling, cut imports                     Gold & Diamonds said customers had held back on
                                                                 purchases expecting a cut in import duty on gold in
                                                                 the budget, which did not happen. This prompted
           Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has proposed the   them to loosen their purse strings for the yellow
           exclusion of the conversion of the physical form of gold into   metal.
           EGR and vice versa by a SEBI-registered Vault Manager
           from the purview of ‘transfer” in a bid to boost trading in   "Now that prices have fallen and there is no chance of
           Electronic Gold Receipt (EGR). As per the proposal, the   a cut in import duty, the consumers are now flocking
           conversion will not attract capital gain tax anymore. The   to our stores," said Joy Alukkas, chairman of Kerala-
           clarity on tax treatment is expected to boost recycling of   based Joyalukkas group. “Going ahead, the sales will
           gold and bring down imports in long run.
                                                                 remain good as the rupee is strengthening against
                                                                 the dollar and internationally prices are falling, which
           The Budget has also proposed that the cost of acquisition of   will make gold cheaper in India.”
           the EGR for the purpose of computing capital gains will be
           deemed to be the cost of gold in the hands of the person in
           whose name the EGR is issued, and the holding period for   Southern India accounts for nearly 40% of the
           the purpose of capital gains, would include the period for   country's total jewellery demand. Alukkas said the
           which gold was held by the assesses prior to its conversion   demand in February increased by 15% from January.
           into EGR.                                             “The average ticket size is Rs 60,000–70,000 and
                                                                 people are buying light to medium jewellery,” he said.
           Where an EGR issued by a Vault Manager, becomes the
           property of the person as consideration of a transfer,   International gold rates hit a one-month low as fears
           as referred in the newly inserted Section 47, the cost of   of a recession in the US eased following strong
           acquisition of the asset for the purpose of the said transfer,   economic and retail sales data from the country. In
           will be deemed to be the cost of gold in the hands of the   India, spot gold was trading at Rs 56,343 per 10 gm,
           person in whose name the EGR is issued.               down from Rs 58,689 per 10 gm in the second half
                                                                 of January. “The decrease in gold price is acting as
           Surveys indicate gold deposits                        a great purchase trigger for consumers, especially
                                                                 in the ongoing wedding season,” MP Ahammed,
           in Odisha                                             chairman of Thrissur –based Malabar Gold &

                                                                 Diamonds said. “Those who were deferring their gold
           Surveys have indicated gold reserves in Odisha, Mines   jewellery purchase due to higher gold prices have hit
           Minister Prafulla Kumar Mallick said in the assembly. The   the markets. We are witnessing healthy footfalls and
           surveys, conducted by the Geological Survey of India and   demand at all our stores.”
           the state Directorate of Mines and Geology, have indicated
           gold reserves in at least three districts -- Deogarh, Keonjhar   India’s price-sensitive eastern market is also
           and Mayurbhanj, he said, replying to BJD MLA Sudhir Sama  witnessing a surge in demand because of the price
           The areas where these gold deposits are likely to be present   drop. “We have witnessed good demand in the last
           are Dimirimunda, Kushakala, Gotipur and Gopur in Keonjhar
           district, Joshipur, Suriaguda, Ruansila and Dhushura hill in   7-10 days,” Suvankar Sen, managing director of
           Mayurbhanj district, and Adas in Deogarh district, he said.  Senco Gold & Diamonds, said. “The average ticket
           The first surveys in these areas were conducted by the   price is in the range of Rs 35,000 and Rs 40,000.
           Directorate of Mines and Geology and the GSI in the 1970s   There is also demand for diamond studded jewellery.”
           and '80s, but the findings were not made public. A survey   Source:
           was again conducted over the last two years by the GSI, the
           minister said.

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