Page 33 - Bullion World Volume 3 Issue 3 March 2023
P. 33

Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 3 | March 2023

                                            PCR testing for gold               LBMA implements

                                            Besides artificial intelligence, Argor-  optical AI technology
                                            Heraeus has been working with PCR   to trace gold bars’
                                            tests since 2019 to increase the
                                            traceability of gold. The DNA labeling   provenance
                                            technology used in this process comes
                                            from the Swiss start-up Healixa.   The London Bullion Market Association
                                                                               (LBMA) announced that it has added
           Argor-Heraeus marks raw gold bars at the mine with a DNA marker. Upon   optical AI developer Alitheon to the
           arrival at the refinery, these markers can be verified by PCR testing. Each mine   pool of five companies that support the
           has its own DNA marker, that is only accessible to the specific mine. Once the   Gold Bar Integrity (GBI) initiative.
           origin is confirmed, the bars are further processed in separate production lines.
           This helps to avoid that gold of different origins is mixed within the refinery. By   Alitheon is the only US-based company
           means of these separate production processes, Argor-Heraeus ensures that the   to be selected and its work will consist
           products can be traced back to their source even after melting and that they   of identifying, authenticating, and
           comply with global regulations for the provenance of gold.          tracing each individual bar, be it a small
                                                                               minted bar or a large investment-grade
           To make sure that the mined gold meets ethical and sustainability standards,   cast bar.
           Argor-Heraus follows a strict compliance management system based on
           the pillars of corporate governance and social responsibility. This includes   The American firm’s FeaturePrint
           comprehensive audits of the mines and independent reviews of the due diligence   technology will be put to use to ensure
           process.                                                            provenance by irrefutably identifying
                                                                               counterfeited and illegally-sourced
           In addition, Argor-Heraeus uses the blockchain solution of the Swiss company   precious metals throughout the supply
           aXedras developed specifically for the precious metals industry. The blockchain   chain.

           enables digital storage of all relevant information along the life cycle of gold and
                                                                               In a press release, Alitheon explained
           provides an effective and secure exchange of data along the value chain.  that FeaturePrint uses a standard off-
           Source:                                     the-shelf camera or mobile phone to
                                                                               take an image of any object such as a
           Tajikistan                                                          gold bar. Its machine vision algorithms
                                                                               are then applied to identify and
           announces                                                           convert various details of the object
                                                                               into a unique digital fingerprint. This
           discovery of 10 new                                                 digital fingerprint enables irrefutable

           gold deposits                                                       identification, authentication, and
                                                                               traceability, and mitigates the need
                                                                               to add any sort of visible or invisible
           10 new gold deposits were discovered on the territory of Tajikistan, head of  markers, tags, or stickers to the bars.
           the Main Department of Geology under the government of Tajikistan Ilhomjon
           Oymuhammadzoda told journalists on February 1, Asia Plus reports.   In addition to gold and precious metals,
                                                                               the solution also works for identifying,
           The deposits are located in central Tajikistan and in the Gorno-Badakhshan   authenticating, tracking and tracing
           Autonomous Region. Their reserves will be accurately determined only after   a range of applications including
           appropriate studies, he added.                                      luxury goods, art and collectibles,
                                                                               computer boards, automotive parts,
                                                                               pharmaceuticals and medical devices.
           In addition, 13 alluvial gold sites with a total length of 52.5 km were identified
           in Muminabad and Shamsiddin Shokhin districts.                      “Companies and consumers are used
                                                                               to having data at their fingertips. Now
           The Ministry of Industry of Tajikistan reported that there are large reserves of   they can be sure the gold bar or gold
           gold in the republic. The gold assets of Tajikistan contain 137 deposits with   product they are buying is authentic,
           estimated reserves of industrial gold and 127 of non-industrial gold.    ethically sourced, and legal, from a
           The main gold miner in Tajikistan is the Tajik-Chinese joint venture Zarafshon,   simple photo taken on their phone.”
           which accounts for about 70% of the total volume of mined metal.    Source:

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