Page 22 - Bullion World Volume 3 Issue 11 November 2023
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Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 11 | November 2023
           B ullion  W orld |  V olume 3 | I ssue 11 | N o v ember  2023
               Unlocking the Potential of Silver ETFs:

                        Benefits and SEBI Regulations

                Mr Vikram Dhawan, Head Commodities & Fund Manager, Nippon India Mutual Fund

           Investing in a silver ETF, or     However, it's important to note that
           exchange-traded fund, can offer   investing in any asset carries risks,
           several benefits. Here are a few key   including the potential for loss of
           advantages:                       principal. It's always advisable to do
                                             thorough research, consider your
           1.  Diversification: Investing in a   investment goals and risk tolerance,
              silver ETF allows you to gain   and consult with a financial advisor
              exposure to the silver market   before making any investment
              without having to directly own   decisions.
              physical silver. This diversifies
              your investment portfolio,     Silver ETFs are structured as
              reducing the risk associated with   exchange-traded funds that aim to
              holding only a few assets.     track the price movements of silver.
           2.  Liquidity: ETFs are traded on   Silver ETFs are physically backed,
              stock exchanges, which means   meaning they hold actual silver bullion   Mr Vikram Dhawan
              they offer high liquidity. You   or equivalent in a secure vault. The
              can easily buy or sell shares of   ETF's value is directly linked to the   The primary objective of SEBI's
              a silver ETF at any time during   price of silver.               regulations is to protect the interests
              market hours, providing flexibility                              of individual investors. By ensuring
              and ease of access to your     The ETF Trust issues shares that   transparency, accountability, and
              investment.                    represent ownership in the underlying   fair practices, these regulations instil
           3.  Cost-effective: Compared to   silver. These shares are traded on   confidence and trust in the silver ETF
              investing in physical silver, silver   stock exchanges, allowing investors   market. Investors can be assured
              ETFs may generally have lower   to buy or sell them throughout the   that their investments are subject to a
              impact costs. You don't have to   trading day at market prices.  regulatory framework that prioritizes
              worry about storage, insurance,                                  their well-being.
              or other incidentals associated   It's important to note that the
              with holding physical silver as all   specific structure and mechanics   In conclusion, silver ETFs regulated
              that is covered under the Silver   of silver ETFs may vary slightly   by SEBI offer a multitude of benefits
              ETF.                           between different funds. It's     to individual investors. With a focus
           4.  Transparency: ETFs provide    always recommended to review      on transparency, liquidity, and cost-
              transparency in terms of their   the prospectus and consult with a   effectiveness, these regulations
              holdings. You can easily access   financial advisor to understand the   create a secure and investor-
              information about the underlying   specific details of any particular silver   friendly environment. Investors can
              assets, such as the amount of   ETF.                             confidently explore the potential
              silver held by the fund, allowing                                of silver ETFs, knowing that their
              for better informed investment   SEBI, the regulatory authority   interests are protected by a robust
              decisions.                     overseeing India's securities     regulatory framework.
           5.  Potential for returns: Silver has   market, has implemented stringent
              historically been considered   regulations specifically tailored to the   Nippon India Silver ETF is an
              a store of value and a hedge   silver ETF space. These regulations   exchange-traded fund that aims
              against inflation. Investing in a   serve as a safeguard, providing a   to provide returns that closely
              silver ETF gives you exposure to   secure investment environment   correspond to the performance of
              the potential price appreciation   for individuals seeking to diversify   the domestic silver spot price. It is
              of silver.                     their portfolios and capitalize on the   managed by Nippon India Mutual
                                             potential of silver.              Fund and is listed on the National
                                                                               Stock Exchange (NSE) of India.

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